Here's what some people think:
In US 25% of youngs use steroids. Most of them end unfertile, with ED and organs damages.
The rest unnecessary use viagra and psychiatrist drugs.
The reason boils down to alienation from authentic self.
ED is a symptom of alienation from authenticity.
The root of author leads to Abba which means father and also God.
Modernity/secularism killed God and waged war on the paternal. Authenticity crisis is related to our abandonment of the highest and hidden all father.
We were brainwashed into turning our backs on God and now must find our way back. Authenticity is the path.
I am 55,, only guys I know that got ed,, are the ones taking antidepressants..
Crappy metabolic health- sedentary, fat, low muscle mass, eating junk...
Lift weights, eat clean whole foods, get some cardio.
I'm in my 40s and in the best shape I've ever been.
Do your own research (intelligently)
Food supply (insecticides, herbicides, soy based everywhere)
Micro-plastics in everything
Sedentary lifetstyle
BIG PHARMA (most everything in)
This is the tip of the iceberg.
Source: Why do over 50% Off Men 40+ Get ED? (