The purpose of this World Wide Web site is to compile, condense, and relay information to our visitors, as well as, to provide a forum to allow others to express their views, research, and findings.
While a considerable effort is made to periodically review each document, the World Health Network, it’s members, it’s sponsors and maintainers (collectively referred to as WHN), cannot and does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, correctness, or fitness for a particular purpose of the information or views made available through this media, or the material contained within. Content presented at WHN does not prevent, diagnose, treat or cure disease or illness. WHN shall not be liable to you for any injury caused in whole or in part by any information obtained through the WHN. You agree by your decision to access this information that no event will WHN be liable to you for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information or views. Although we try to provide up to the minute information on medical and scientific issues pertaining to Anti-Aging. You should, of course, as with any medical decision consult with your physician prior to taking any medication.
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DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT : The World Health Network at is the official web‚ host of American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), a U.S. federally registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Unless otherwise explicity stated, none of the information contained herein at is supported by commercial sources, instead being underwritten by the finacial resource obtained through A4M membership dues and related fees. Noeditorial contained herein at has been produced in deference to any commercial interest(s) of any kind