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Latest Past Events

GLP-1 Masterclass with Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams

Jay Campbell is the oldest of nine children and from a large Irish Catholic Family that saw him in 5 different high schools in 4 different states during his 4 years of attendance A competitive HS athlete in Baseball, Soccer and Basketball, Jay played collegiately for Georgia Southwestern University as a combo guard from 1991-1993 ...

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Free Fatty Acid Balance in Chronic Disease States with Dr. Michael Nelson

Founder/Formulator and CEO Dr. Michael Nelson is a functional medicine practitioner, visionary, and seeker of truth dedicated to improving and optimizing your MOOD·MIND·MEMORY. With over three decades of clinical experience, Dr. Nelson has helped over 10,000 patients worldwide, including A-list celebrities, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame musicians, elite athletes, and Olympians, reach their optimal health. ...

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