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A-beta immunization protects against cognitive impairment

By Bill Freeman

Lifelong immunization with human beta-amyloid (1-42) protects Alzheimer transgenic mice against cognitive impairment throughout aging.

According to recent research from the United States, “Although both active and passive beta-amyloid (A-beta) immunotherapy have been shown to protect against or lessen cognitive impairment in various Alzheimer transgenic mouse lines, these studies have focused on a single task and involved standard statistical analysis.

Lifelong immunization with human beta-amyloid (1-42) protects Alzheimer transgenic mice against cognitive impairment throughout aging.

According to recent research from the United States, “Although both active and passive beta-amyloid (A-beta) immunotherapy have been shown to protect against or lessen cognitive impairment in various Alzheimer transgenic mouse lines, these studies have focused on a single task and involved standard statistical analysis. Because Alzheimer disease impacts multiple cognitive domains, the current study employed an extensive behavioral battery and multimetric analysis therein to determine the impact of A-beta immunization given throughout most of adult life (from 2-16 1/2 months of age) to APP PS1 transgenic mice. At both adult (4 1/2-6 month) and aged (15-16 1/2 month) test points, the same 6-week behavioral battery was administered.”