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A4M Virtual Event

In accordance with the CDC’s most recent guidelines addressing mass gatherings and functions the A4M team has been working to create new educational events virtually that will address the current needs of patients and clinicians alike. In keeping with that idea here is another virtual educational event that is coming up to mark on your calendar.

A4M 2020: Medicine Revolutionized

Longevity, Aging, and Immuno Competency: 

Friday, August 21, 2020 – 8:00 am to Saturday, August 22, 2020 – 6:00 pm

A4M is proud to invite you to join a new timely and revelatory virtual conference: Longevity, Aging, and Immuno Competency (LAIC). Following the unfortunate but necessary cancellation of this year’s A4M Spring Congress, our team has been hard at work crafting a new educational event that properly addresses the current needs of patients and clinicians. At the Longevity, Aging, and Immuno Competency (LAIC) virtual conference, expert speakers will provide a strategic clinical road map for clinicians seeking to improve patient health spans, relieve unwanted aging symptoms, and strengthen immune competency.

With an emphasis on attendee engagement, sessions will be streamed live — enabling participants to ask questions and hear direct responses from faculty members throughout the conference. Through an interactive and easy-to-navigate online format, this integrative clinical conference will connect practitioners from across the globe with leading medical experts while unpacking critical and strategic tenets of sustained health.

For the safety of all parties involved, our team has been hard at work crafting a new event that properly responds to the current needs of patients, clinicians, and exhibiting companies collectively: the Longevity, Aging, and Immuno Competency (LAIC) virtual conference is that event.

With sessions streamed live, this clinical conference will enable exhibitors to showcase products to the largest network of integrative medical professionals in the globe through an interactive and easy-to-navigate online format. Join A4M this August and expand your company’s reach within the ever expansive field of Anti-Aging and Integrative Medicine.

Access the latest education in integrative medicine while examining the recent results from clinical research and unpacking the most clinically valuable medical knowledge. Engage Directly with world renowned faculty members while interacting and learning directly from the clinical leaders in the field through an interactive online chat. Discover valuable resources for your practice through a wide variety of clinical resources, tools, and services and directly interact with exhibitors through live chats in the virtual exhibit hall. 

The virtual exhibit hall will have an interactive floor plan that will allow attendees to explore booths virtually with the digital floor plan in which attendees will be able to click on booths to get more information and links to exhibitors materials. Exhibitors can upload PDFs. Brochures, white papers, and other content to share their information and explain their products to attendees. Attendees will also have the ability to have real time one to one conversations with booth representatives. 

Faculty for this event include: Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH, MS; Deborah Matthew, MD, FAARFM, ABAARM; Sahar Swiden PahrmD, BCPS, ABAAHP, FMNM; Andrew Heyman, MD, MHSA, James LaValle, RPh, CCN, ND, Sara Gottfried, MD; Rudolph Tanzi, PhD; Elizabeth Stuller, MD, and Gary Kaplan, DO among many others. 

To join is in redefining medicine click here to register or get more information. 

For complete details of all A4M sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities you can also contact 


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