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Anti-Aging Secrets For Maximum Lifespan

Originally titled Hormones of Youth: Grow 10 years younger in 10 weeks with the new therapeutics of Anti-Aging Medicine this edition titled Anti-Aging Secrets for Maximum Lifespan is a comprehensive primer on life-enhancing, life-extending medical care written by the founder of anti-aging medicine. This book provides sensible do-it-yourself tips to help readers live long and rewarding lives. New Anti-Aging Secrets for Maximum Lifespan even includes anti-aging programs for pets.

Written by Dr. Ronald Klatz, Anti-Aging Secrets for Maximum Lifespan synthesizes cutting-edge research findings and clinical observations on the newest and most important model for healthcare in this new millennium: anti-aging medicine. This book is an excellent primer on how to take charge of your health destiny to maintain your overall youthfulness throughout your life.

“With increasing longevity for an increasing segment of the population, anti-aging medicine is the healthcare frontier for the new millennium,” writes Vernon Howard, Ph.D., Tufts University / Harvard University. 

Now is the time to start your personal anti-aging plan!

Anti-Aging Secrets For Maximum Lifespan, an age reversal text, offers compelling reasons why now is the time to start your personal anti-aging plan for extending your lifespan. This comprehensive text outlines real life measures that every person can implement during a ten-week period to optimize mental and physical well being. This how-to guide is the authentic work of the President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), a society of physicians and scientists from around the globe who believe that aging is not inevitable, who have pledged to deliver a vital, productive lifespan of 100+ years to everyone.

The human growth hormone (HGH) Section permits consumers to conduct a side-by-side comparison of the leading HGH products now available over the counter for sale to the public. This book helps to make it possible to distinguish between the plethora of products that don’t work from those that do.

Anti-Aging Secrets For Maximum Lifespan is an entertaining and fact-filled book that includes: – The facts and research on HGH, the silver bullet of anti-aging medicine, with previously unreported and frankly disturbing news on the dark side of HGH revealed to all. The regimens of Dr. Klatz and his Airedale terrier, Lex the Wonderdog, who lived to the equivalent of 116 human years, document the efficacy of the approaches included in this book.

Dr. Klatz, a founding physician of the anti-aging movement, is an internationally recognized expert on this new science. He has been a consultant to members of the U.S. Congress and is personally responsible for the educational training program of thousands of physicians. As the best-selling author of Grow Young with HGH, Dr. Klatz has been featured as a medical expert on numerous national TV programs, including CNN, Oprah, Fox News, NBC, ABC and CBS. As a physician practicing anti-aging medicine for over twenty years, his viewpoint and expertise in the field of longevity healthcare are remarkable. Dr. Klatz, who plans on a personal life span of 150 years, included his predictions for the next thirty years of medicine in this book. Are you ready for immortality? This is a must-read book because your life, or certainly its quality, may depend on it.

“Dr. Klatz gives specific advice and a series of guides and listings of both medications and vitamins and nutrients that make looking up indications, adverse reactions and safety issues straightforward and easy. This book is well written and chock full of useful information for anyone seriously interested in the topic of personal health and longevity, many kudos to Dr.Klatz and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine(A4M) who are working to make 100 year lifespans a reality within our own lifespan,” writes Dr. Steve Novil. 

Take away: This book is easy-to-read and well-documented, this primer on the benefits and safety of hormone replacement therapy shows how, through proper diet, exercise, and nutrient supplements, people can add years–even decades–to their lives.

Anti-Aging Secret For Maximum Lifespan DrKlatz Book