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Are AIDS, Chronic Fatigue The Same Thing?

By Bill Freeman

I received a thought provoking email this morning from a lady who was diagnosed with both CFIDS or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and HIV-Negative AIDS. While her case may be something extremely rare, it might also be more common than we believe. Indeed, she believes that there is a connection between her suffering and all those cases of AIDS sufferers who are HIV negative.

I received a thought provoking email this morning from a lady who was diagnosed with both CFIDS or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and HIV-Negative AIDS. While her case may be something extremely rare, it might also be more common than we believe. Indeed, she believes that there is a connection between her suffering and all those cases of AIDS sufferers who are HIV negative. It is not widely known that there is AIDS without the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. The media are quiet about this as it just does not fit into the current paradigm. Just days ago, the CDC has issued a recommendation that HIV testing should be routine for all people from 13 to 64 years old, so they can receive the treatment which generally consists of highly toxic retroviral drugs that destroy human DNA, killing the patient in most cases.

This recommendation flies smack in the face of what the HIV test manufacturers say about their products. If you carefully read the package inserts, you find that there is no certainty that any of the tests actually pinpoint a virus, and what they do find is little more than stressed protein fractions. For anyone wishing to go down this particular rabbit hole, Liam Scheff has done the groundwork. He put together and commented leaflets that come with the tests and instructions for the interpretation of test results, in several articles on his blog. Here are the links.

Report of a False-Positive HIV Test Result and the Potential Use of Additional Tests in Establishing HIV Serostatus

Reveal Rapid Test

HIV ELISA Test – Vironostika

UK HIV Test Guidelines – Official

HIV Interpretation Presentation – Australia

HIV test Interpretation Strategy Paper

OraQuick Rapid HIV Test Label

CDC instruction/quiz for HIV test interpretation

HIV Screening In Russia – False Positives

So the tests are calibrated not against a virus but against “known risk groups” and their blood parameters. Worse than useless, when we consider they are the basis upon which a cocktail of toxic retrovirals is prescribed that supposedly are keeping the virus from replicating. What about those people who suffer from “HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS”?

Jonathan Campbell is convinced that the cause of AIDS is not HIV but a little known African Swine Fever virus.

There are others who say that the pathogen is not HIV but a manipulated form of toxic mycoplasma, which mysteriously appeared in the environment, after research into such novel toxins had been conducted by US biological warfare labs. Nexus magazine carried an article that links neurosystemic diseases to mycoplasma fermentans incognitus.

Mycoplasma fermentans has been detected in both AIDS and CF patients and are said to be a co-factor for those disease states, but there is no agreement as to whether there has been intentional modification of the pathogen to bring about disease.

Whatever the case may be, here is the story of the lady who prompts us to take a closer look at the possible connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HIV-Negative AIDS…

Do I have CFS or AIDS? Or are they the same thing?

I have Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFS/CFIDS/ME) and HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS, idiopathic lymphocytopenia. With these two clinical diagnoses, I believe that makes me living proof that the AIDS-like CFS/ME is transmissible, something that the medical establishment seems unable to admit or to acknowledge. I also believe it makes me living proof that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS are basically the same mysterious immune disorder.

Three years ago, after a heterosexual sexual encounter, I became seriously ill with what looks like the natural disease progression of AIDS. After an “acute infection” and a “period of asymptomatic health”, I have fallen extremely ill to an unrelenting, progressively-worsening AIDS-like demise. I can pinpoint exactly when I was infected with my “chronic viral syndrome of unknown etiology” and because the “acute infection” stage was so distinguishable, I can also pinpoint exactly when my undiagnosed illness left my body and infected yet another host. I am a link in a chain of systemically undiagnosed, sexually-connected, heterosexual sick people. Whatever I am currently dealing with, it strongly resembles classic textbook HIV/AIDS disease. But, to add to my inquiry, I also clinically satisfy the CDC’s criteria for the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Increasingly, I have become concerned that my systemic diagnosis is caught up in the treacherous politics of CFS/ME and AIDS. Most people with CFS/ME do not like to talk about the many symptoms and immune abnormalities that they share with AIDS patients. I also suspect that most ailing patients would rather be told that they have the very mysterious Chronic Fatigue Syndrome than to be told that they have AIDS.

I have a Master’s degree. I am a director at my firm. I used to be a triathlete. I have never used IV drugs. I have never traveled abroad. I can count my sexual partners on two hands. Statistically speaking, I know that my undiagnosed infectious and communicable disease is not rare……, you tell me, if they are not in the miscellaneous CFS/ME category, where are all these other immunosuppressed people?

Anyone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, who does not consider the possibility that CFS/ME will eventually progress to a NON-HIV AIDS diagnosis, is very well trumping their own ability to diagnosis the root cause of their illness. Why isn’t CFS/ME a reportable disease overseen by our public health department? Has anyone ever asked a CFS/ME patient to epidemiologically track down all of their ex-sexual partners to see if any of them also suffer from an undiagnosed immune disorder?

Why are we not reading about Non-HIV AIDS cases (and/or the AIDS-like nature of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) on the front pages of every newspaper in America? And if CFS/ME is Non-HIV AIDS, then, depending on who you believe, there are anywhere between 500,000 – 14,000,000 Americans out there with a transmissible illness. If that is what it truly is, our new form of AIDS dwarfs the Å’original‚ AIDS epidemic —> TENFOLD.

I want honest answers for myself, for everyone who is suffering from this hideous illness, and especially for those who remain uninfected by my undiagnosed infectious and communicable disease. As worrisome as my health is to me, I am extremely troubled by the strong likelihood that more people are being infected every minute that HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS cases (like mine) are allowed to go undetected — especially if it turns out that AIDS and CFIDS/ME are basically the same disorder.

You can label my AIDS-like illness whatever you wish. I would even allow you to call it infectious-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, even though it is utterly beyond my realm of comprehension as to how the medical establishment can generically name an entire disease paradigm based on just one (of my numerous) symptom(s).

Regardless of how politics may try to dissuade or delude you, all you need to know is that my idiopathic immune dysfunction is infectious! It is contagious! And it is spreading, unleashed, in the world’s population!

I am not afraid to say that I have AIDS without HIV — idiopathic lymphocytopenia — my second official clinical diagnosis. I am equally as unafraid of saying the most obvious thing about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: IT SURE DOES LOOK LIKE AIDS TO ME.

We talk openly about preparing for an impending Avian Flu pandemic. Why not talk about the HIV-NEGATIVE AIDS epidemic that already exists (and is spreading) amongst us?

If it takes courage to think and to say the things that I do, I hope that there will be a miraculous outbreak of bravery from coast-to-coast.

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