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With age it becomes increasingly difficult to fight of free radical damage, and the eyes are no exception. 20/20 vision will typically begin to fade and deteriorate. Free radical damage is said to be the real reason for blurry and unclear vision.

With time vision can continue to deteriorate, increasing strength of eyeglass prescription helps, but some say this is just a band-aid fix, and it would be much better to clean out the free radical damage that has been building up for years.

There is a way that is said to be able to help clean vision. This miracle vision cleaning starts with something called Astaxanthin which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are a critical part of optimal health for the entire body. Human studies show that 6 milligrams of AXT can help restore 20/20 vision. AXT is a potent free radical scavenger, and it is able to cross the blood retinal barrier allowing it to hunt down and destroy free radicals.

Astaxanthin is 11 times more potent than beta-carotene which can’t cross the blood retinal barrier. AXT is also 550 times more powerful than vitamin E, and nearly triple the antioxidant power of Lutein.

The Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology human clinical study involving 49 participants over the age of 40 were given AXT daily. In 28 days subject’s vision acuity improved, being able to view faces, signs, and anything in the distance with perfect clarity; restoring blurry and unclear sight into razor sharp vision.

In another study 42 subjects took 5mg daily doses for 4 weeks. At the end of the study the group taking AXT had significantly better ability to refocus vision, according to Dr. Rothfeld.

Astaxanthin combined with vitamin D3 can provide everything that is needed to help protect clear vision. Studies show that D3 can help eyes to remain healthy and strong, while fighting against age related macular degeneration. Combining the 2 creates a dual force to help keep eyes functioning at their best. AXT has been clinically shown to fight free radical damage that causes the aging of eyes, and the potent D3 has been shown to help eye health.

Astaxanthin help to clear away free radical damage to restore clearer sharper vision even at night, and fight eye fatigue. D3 safeguards the bright vision the AXT delivers for longer terms. AXT and D3 are lipid soluble, meaning if you want to benefit from their vision boosting power it helps if they are taken with a little fat such as omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA as they are custom made for eyes.

Astaxanthin is commonly found in  H. pluvialis, salmon, crab, shrimp, lobster, and algae, it is linked to many health benefits such as healthier skin, endurance, heart health, vision, and joint pain. AXT is a potent anti-inflammatory and pain reliever that can help to block out different chemicals within the body, and helps to reduce inflammatory compounds that drive many chronic diseases. Unlike some other antioxidants Astaxanthin never becomes pro-oxidant in the body. Astaxanthin has been called the king of carotenoids.

Astaxanthin helps to fight fatigue, relieve pain and inflammation, supports eye health, cleans up cells, improves male fertility, boost immune function, and helps promote gorgeous skin and sunscreen protection.

The best sources of Astaxanthin are wild caught pacific salmon, sockeye salmon, and haematococcus pluvialis, 6 ounces daily contains 3.6 milligrams. Studies show that amounts greater than that provide the best anti-inflammatory benefits meaning supplements may be the way to go as it is improbable to be able to obtain the required amounts from diet alone. When shopping for supplements make sure the brand has undertaken special precautions to harvest, purify, and encapsulate it properly to protects its potency.