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Blood Test Spots Cancer Before It Develops

A groundbreaking blood test developed by University of Nottingham (UK) researchers aims to aid in the detection of cancer up to five years earlier than other diagnostic methods.


The University of Nottingham (United Kingdom) and its spin-off company, Oncimmune Ltd, has developed a ground breaking blood test which will aid the detection of cancer as much as five years earlier than current testing methods such as mammography and CT scans. The new technique replicates the cancer proteins that trigger the body’s response to the disease and employs robotic technology to measure this response. This new technology (immuno-biomarkers) provides a significant advance in how early a cancer may be detected and is likely to change the current paradigm of diagnosis and treatment for most solid cancers such as lung, breast, ovarian, colon and prostate.  Oncimmune has successfully transferred this science into a reproducible commercial test, and the test for lung cancer, EarlyCDT-Lung™, will be launched nationally in the United States in June 2010, followed by its debut in the UK in early 2011.

“New blood test can spot cancer before it develops,”  reported by Telegraph Media Group Ltd.;