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Boost Physical Activity to Shed Fat

Both aerobic exercise and resistance training are effective at reducing body fat, among previously sedentary adolescent girls.

Previously, researchers from Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital (Pennsylvania, USA) report that increasing physical activity — without caloric restriction — is effective in reducing total, fat, visceral obesity, and liver fat in obese adolescent boys.  SoJung Lee and colleagues engaged in a similar study to ascertain insights for teenage girls.  The researchers enrolled 40 obese adolescent girls with BMIs in the 95th percentile or greater for their age. They were randomized to 3 months of aerobic exercise, with three 60-minute sessions on a treadmill a week; resistance exercise consisting of working out on a weigh machine three times a week, for 60 minutes a session; or a sedentary control group.  The teens were allowed to continue to eat as before.  Compared with controls, body weight dropped 1.3 kg in the aerobic exercise group and 0.3 kg in the resistance training group.  Despite the absence of weight loss, total fat decreased 1.5% in the aerobic exercise group and 1.4% in the resistance training group compared with controls.  Visceral fat dropped 19% and lipid fat decreased 43% in the aerobic arm compared with the control arm. Also, insulin sensitivity improved 23% in the girls who did aerobics compared with the sedentary teens.

Lee S, et al.  “Aerobic exercise but not resistance exercise reduces visceral adiposity, liver fat and insulin resistance in obese adolescent girls: A randomized controlled trial” [Abstract 216-OR].  Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, 27 June 2013.