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Bright’s Disease

Bright’s disease is an archaic term that is used to describe a variety of kidney diseases which includes glomerulonephritis or acute/chronic nephritis. The term is hardly used anymore with the developments of etiologies knowledge for more succinct classification by modern medicine.

It is a broad term used to describe symptoms of nephritis and other inflammatory kidney diseases which are caused due to infection of kidney filtering units by Streptococcus bacterias. Symptoms were first noted in 1827 by a physician named Richard Bright, hence the name, which has more of a historical application in modern day.


Nephritis occurs when severe inflammation of kidney cells goes unchecked and may lead to severe cases which can limit daily activities. Streptococcal infection is a common cause leading to immune reactions and damage to the glomeruli acting as kidney filtration centers. Other causes include inflammation of blood vessels within the kidney and a variety of immune disorders which cause glomerulonephritis.


Proteinuria excretion and occasional hematuria blood in urine are the foremost indicators. Other symptoms include rash, fever, edema, nausea, vomiting, breathing problems, and blackheads. There are other forms of inflammatory infections and nephritis of blood vessels in the kidney that cause symptoms akin to bright’s disease, which is why this term covers various causes with closely related symptoms of inflammatory kidney disorders.

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