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Cancer Survivors Benefit from Physical Activity

Cancer survivors have better physical function and quality of life when they are physically active after their treatment is completed.

A meta-analysis of 34 published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) completed by Queen Mary Hospital (Hong Kong) researchers suggests that exercise improves physical function and quality of life in cancer patients. With specific regard to breast cancer survivors, the team found that: “Physical activity has positive effects on physiology, body composition, physical functions, psychological outcomes, and quality of life.”  When patients with cancer other than breast cancer were also included, the study authors observed that: “physical activity was associated with reduced [body mass index] and body weight, increased peak oxygen consumption and peak power output, and improved quality of life.”

Fong DY, Ho JW, Hui BP, Lee AM, Macfarlane DJ, Leung SS, et al.  “Physical activity for cancer survivors: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.”  BMJ. January 30, 2012.