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The Real Effects of Social Media on Mental and Physical Health

Top Tips For Reducing Your Screen Time Habit

The world we live in today has become increasingly connected, thanks to social media. However, the widespread and intense use of social platforms has raised concerns regarding their impact on mental and physical health. Let’s take a look at statistics showing how people consume social media on a daily and monthly basis: There are over …

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Signs of Social Media Addiction and Their Impact on Well-Being

Modern Stress & Mobile Devices

According to Statista, there were an estimated 4.89 billion social media users worldwide in 2023, which represents approximately half of the world’s population. This staggering number can only keep growing. From kids to boomers, social media has become an integral part of daily life for many, offering connection, entertainment, and information at our fingertips.  However, …

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Understanding the Risks of Suboxone: A Guide to Dental Health

Understanding the Risks of Suboxone: A Guide to Dental Health

Key Takeaways: Introduction to Suboxone and Its Uses Suboxone, a blend of buprenorphine and naloxone, is commonly prescribed to aid in the recovery process from opioid addiction. Its efficacy in alleviating withdrawal symptoms and diminishing cravings has made it a favored option among healthcare providers. However, it’s crucial to be aware of potential side effects, …

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Nurturing Resilience: The Vital Role of Support Groups in Addiction Recovery

Nurturing Resilience: The Vital Role of Support Groups in Addiction Recovery

Key Takeaways: The Value of Community in Recovery Recovery from addiction greatly benefits from communal support. Support networks provide an inclusive environment where individuals find strength, share coping strategies, and work towards the common recovery goal. Scientific evidence shows that engaging in support groups reduces relapse rates. These groups offer a space to discuss emotional …

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Debunking The Myth Of Smoking To Stay Thin

Debunking The Myth Of Smoking To Stay Thin

Smoking to stay thin is a common misconception. The irony of smoking to stay thin is that smoking causes harm to nearly every organ in the body and it actually increases belly fat. Additionally, smoking causes diabetes, stroke, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis among other health problems. Evidence also suggests that …

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Psychedelic Pearls: Revolutionary Insights from the Inaugural State Of-Mind Event

Psychedelic Pearls: Revolutionary Insights from the Inaugural State Of-Mind Event

Experts in functional psychiatry and neuroscience, cofounders of specialty-leading companies, and pioneers in psychedelic-assisted therapy gathered in Miami, FL, at the start of the month to kick off A4M’s inaugural State Of-Mind: A New Era in Psychedelic Medicine conference. Joining them were hundreds of visionary practitioners eager to learn how to leverage the rising potential …

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Balancing Work and Recovery: Tips for Professionals

The Importance of Medical Supervision During Alcohol Detox

For many, the intertwining of work and recovery can pose unique challenges but fear not – we’ve compiled a set of practical tips that we hope will help those in recovery maintain positive equilibrium in their lives. Prioritize Self-Care The first step in achieving a harmonious balance between work and recovery is prioritizing self-care. Recognize …

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Parenting Unplugged: Reducing Stress For A Happier Family

Parenting Unplugged: Reducing Stress For A Happier Family

Parenting in the digital age comes with its own set of challenges. With an overabundance of screens and constant connectivity, families often find themselves overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected. However, by embracing a more unplugged lifestyle, parents can reduce stress and create a happier, more harmonious family environment. This article delves into the significance of unplugging, …

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Researchers discover that youth binge drinking is linked to gut microbiome changes

Researchers discover that youth binge drinking is linked to gut microbiome changes

News Release Research Highlights: Study finds that young adult binge drinks show alterations in the gut microbiome. The alternations are linked with poor ability to recognise emotions and cravings to consume alcohol. Youth binge drinking can have short and long-term impacts on health and well-being. Youth binge drinkers show alterations in the gut microbiome, a …

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Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed suggests that scrolling social media before a workout may be detrimental to your progress, finding that the habit leads to a 29% decrease in workout performance due to mental fatigue.  This study investigated the possible effects of mental fatigue induced by smartphone social media use on volume load …

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