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Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Image: Microscopy image showing (green) telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of (blue) chromosomes, which play a crucial role in cellular aging. Credit: Salk Institute Scientists at the Salk Institute have debuted a new method for determining both the length and sequence of telomeres on individual chromosomes. Their breakthrough anti-aging and cancer telomere tech …

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A new way to measure aging and disease risk with the protein aggregation clock

Possible Explanation Of Why Time Flies As We Age

Could measuring protein clumps in our cells be a new way to find out our risk of getting age-related diseases? Professor Dorothee Dormann and Professor Edward Lemke of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), who are also adjunct directors at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz, propose the concept of a “protein aggregation clock” …

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Anti-Aging Potential In An Invasive Weed

Ingredients For Natural Skin Care

The cocklebur (Xanthium) plant is often considered to be a noxious (invasive) weed. However, according to recent research, this spiky plant which is found around the World, has anti-aging antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that could make it useful as a skin protectant. Good for the skin? Compounds within the species’ spiky fruits reduced damage from …

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Resveratrol May Preserve Neuromuscular Synapses And Muscle Fibers

A study recently published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, led by scientists from the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has discovered that resveratrol and metformin may have many of the neuroprotective benefits of a low-calorie diet and exercise.  “We all slow down as we get older. Gait, balance issues, …

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Can Exercise Turn Back The Clock In Aging Muscles?

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Exercise is called a drug-free polypill that can benefit nearly everyone by many physicians because it can help prevent and treat many chronic diseases at a low cost that are associated with aging. More to it, exercise-induced changes reprogram the epigenetic expression of fibers to a more youthful state. So, to answer the question “Can …

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Could A Smartphone App Help Boost Memory Recall?

Could A Smartphone App Help Boost Memory Recall?

A smartphone app called HippoCamera developed at the University of Toronto may help to consolidate our memory, according to a study published in PNAS. This app is designed to benefit those with memory impairment by imitating the function of the hippocampus as it helps to consolidate memories, and it involves recording life events and replaying …

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Age-Related Changes In Lipid Metabolism

Age-Related Changes In Lipid Metabolism

Researchers from RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Science (IMS) report discovering numerous changes in the lipid metabolism of mice, across both organs and sexes. Among the changes described in Nature Aging was the selective accumulation throughout the body of certain lipids produced by the gut bacteria with age, as well as a sex difference in …

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Genes driving age-related blood cell mutations uncovered

Genes driving age-related blood cell mutations uncovered

New research identifies a larger pool of genes involved in clonal haematopoiesis than previously thought, and their implications for disease and diagnostic tests. Scientists have discovered 17 additional genes that drive the abnormal overgrowth of mutated blood cells as we age. The findings, published in Nature Genetics, provide a more complete view of the genetic …

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Food for thought: Study links key nutrients with slower brain aging

Food for thought: Study links key nutrients with slower brain aging

Scientists have long been studying the brain with a goal of aiding healthier aging. While much is known about risk factors for accelerated brain aging, less has been uncovered to identify ways to prevent cognitive decline. There is evidence that nutrition matters, and a novel study published in Nature Publishing Group Aging, from the University …

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Some brain cells age faster and are more prevalent in Alzheimer's

Some brain cells age faster and are more prevalent in Alzheimer's

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have discovered that some brain cells age more rapidly than others, and they are disproportionately abundant in individuals afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, researchers observed sex-specific differences in the aging process of certain brain cells, with the female cortex exhibiting a higher ratio of “old” oligodendrocytes to …

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