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Resveratrol May Preserve Neuromuscular Synapses And Muscle Fibers

A study recently published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, led by scientists from the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has discovered that resveratrol and metformin may have many of the neuroprotective benefits of a low-calorie diet and exercise.  “We all slow down as we get older. Gait, balance issues, …

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Testosterone Treatment Gives Life-Altering Relief To Women Going Through Menopause

Testosterone Treatment Gives Life-Altering Relief To Women Going Through Menopause

The vast majority of women experience menopausal symptoms, but a survey finds few are aware of a safe and effective treatment, testosterone pellets empower women to feel better and get back to their lives, according to research from Orlando Health.  Menopause is something almost every woman goes through, but is rarely discussed. Most simply accept …

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Mediterranean Diet Associated With A Lower Risk Of Mortality In Older Adults

Mediterranean Diet Linked To Lower Risk Of Death In Women

Greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet which had been assessed through an index made with biomarkers during a 20-year scientific monitoring is associated with lower mortality in adults over 65. This is one of the main conclusions of a study led by Cristina Andrés-Lacueva, head of the Research Group on Biomarkers and Nutritional & Food …

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Drug Cocktail Reduces Aging-Associated Disc Degeneration

One Time Injection Restores Function After Spinal Cord Injury

Chronic back pain affects upwards of 15 million adults in the US, racking up billions in healthcare costs and lost workdays. Degeneration of the discs that cushion and support vertebrae, a common occurrence of aging, is a major contributor to low back pain. Although a widespread condition, few treatments are available. Now Jefferson’s Makarand Risbud, …

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The first non-invasive biomarker to track and verify efficacy of senolytic drugs

The first non-invasive biomarker to track and verify efficacy of senolytic drugs

Buck Institute researchers have discovered and are developing a novel, non-invasive biomarker test that can be used to measure and track the performance of senolytics: a class of drugs that selectively eliminate senescent cells. The discovery is expected to play a major role in efforts to develop treatments that would battle a myriad of chronic …

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6 Ways To Enhance Your Beauty With CBD

Coming Clean: Why Now Is the Time to Switch to Clean Beauty and Non-Toxic Skincare

CBD for beauty and skincare products is becoming more popular as part of the beauty industry’s shift to including more natural ingredients into product formulations. Derived from cannabis plants, Cannabidiol or CBD oil is now being incorporated in almost everything — from food and drinks, supplements, vapes, to beauty routines. There is plenty of buzz …

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Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Mortality

Lipoic Acid Supplements May Help Some Obese People Lose Weight

Epidemiological research from West Virginia University finds glucosamine/chondroitin supplements may reduce overall mortality as well as regular exercise does.  Glucosamine with chondroitin is a widely used combination supplement used to treat osteoarthritis and joint pain and it is available without a prescription in the United States. Both glucosamine and chondroitin are natural compounds found in …

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Cannabis for Pain Management in Sickle Cell Disease Cases

Cannabis for Pain Management in Sickle Cell Disease Cases

Sickle cell disease, a red blood cell disorder that causes cellular deformation resulting in cells similar in shape to sickles, is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States and affects approximately 100,000 Americans. The vulnerable cells have a shorter lifespan than normal cells and thus, there is a decreased amount of oxygen …

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Herbs & Spices For Brain Health

Rosemary Helping To Protect The Brain From Damage

With all the things that are on your mind troubling you these days, it is understandable if you let some things slip such as brain health. However, it is important to remember that the rate of dementia is on the rise in America, and it’s most prevalent form being Alzheimer’s disease is now the 6th …

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Natural Compound Promotes Healthy Aging

Natural Compound Promotes Healthy Aging

The seven human sirtuins (SIRT 1-7), or NAD-dependent deacetylases, have been strongly correlated with human longevity due to their connection with metabolic function, aging, and the development of age-related diseases. In recent years, the protein SIRT1 has received the most attention due to its influence on gene regulation, genomic stability, and energy metabolism, garnering interest …

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