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Biogen Seeking FDA Approval For Alzheimer’s Drug

Gene Linked To Alzheimer’s May Impact Cognition Before Adulthood

Biogen and Eisai have announced completion of the application to seek approval from the FDA for aducanumab, which is a drug that some testing has shown promise in early stage Alzheimer’s at slowing the disease. This submission is the first “filing for FDA approval of a treatment that addresses the clinical decline associated with the …

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Vitamin D Supplements May Help To Reduce Blood Pressure

Vitamin D Supplements May Help To Reduce Blood Pressure

According to a recent collaborative clinical trial, vitamin D supplements may help to significantly reduce blood pressure throughout the day; higher doses of 2,000 IU were linked to reducing variability in systolic blood pressure. The report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed no significant differences in the magnitude of the blood pressure …

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White Mulberry May Help With Weight Loss

White Mulberry May Help With Weight Loss

Native to China, white mulberry is well known and long used in traditional medicines as tinctures for toothache, remedies for colds and flus, as a mild laxative, and as a treatment for dizziness, high blood pressure, and diabetes according to historical texts.  In modern society the fruit and leaves of the mulberry tree are used …

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5 Proven Ways How CBD Oil Helps You Get Glowing Skin

3 Of The Quickest Ways To Get Glowing Skin Using CBD Seeds

CBD is the new wonder supplement in the health and wellness industry. It has gained a lot of popularity due to its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and nootropic effects. Whether it be sleeping issues, anxiety problems, or treating your dog with CBD infused products, CBD can help to provide a natural solution to these issues for some. …

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Supplements And Herbs That May Help With Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis: What's The Difference?

Those who suffer with arthritis know that it can be rather painful at times. Arthritis is a term that refers to a group of degenerative conditions that typically will target the joints and tissues surrounding the joints with some of the more common forms being osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Each form of this condition …

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According To Research Vitamins C & D Can Help Prevent Infection

According To Research Vitamins C & D Can Help Prevent Infection

Science indicates that supplements containing vitamins C and D along with other micronutrients can be a “safe, effective and low cost” means to fight off infections such as COVID-19 and other acute respiratory tract disease, according to Adrian Gombart, an Oregon State University researcher. Along with his collaborators at universities around the globe Gombart says …

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Immune Enhancing Ayurvedic Remedies

Immune Enhancing Ayurvedic Remedies

Recently citizens around the globe have been exposed to a new virus, transmission of this is said to largely depend on factors such as cleanliness, immunity, and existing health conditions. This virus has a high rate of transmission, but it is being shown that recovery is possible, a part of that is due to the …

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D-ribose May Help To Boost Heart Health

New Cells Discovered That May Heal Hearts

D-ribose is a natural simple sugar molecule that may help to improve heart function and blood circulation according to a recent study published in the European Journal of Heart Failure.  The collaborative team of international researchers assessed the effects of doses of oral D-ribose supplementation in participants with chronic coronary artery disease and congestive heart …

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Hormone Injection May Boost Brain Activity Associated With Attraction

Hormone Injection May Boost Brain Activity Associated With Attraction

The early stage work from researchers at Imperial College London was published in JCI Insight exploring whether kisspeptin can be used to treat men with common psychosexual disorders and sexual problems that are psychological in origin such as low libido.  Attraction is a fundamental process that triggers sexual arousal, activity and often reproduction. The team …

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10 Top Immune System Supplements

Regenerate Your Immune System In 72 Hours

While there is good reason to be concerned about the recent outbreak, there are several different things that can be done to protect yourself and help slow the spread of contamination such as wearing personal protective equipment, practising good hygiene, social distancing, and doing what you can to ensure that your immune system is boosted …

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