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Ovary Removal Before Menopause Associated With Reduced White Matter

Ovary Removal Before Menopause Associated With Reduced White Matter

Women who had their ovaries removed before menopause, particularly before the age of 40 were found to have reduced white matter integrity in multiple regions of their brain later in life, according to a study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. What is white matter? White matter refers to a …

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Walking Promotes Benefits For Lower Back Pain

In 2050, over 800 million people globally estimated to be living with back pain

Approximately 800 million people around the globe have lower back pain, and lower back pain is a leading cause of disability and reduced quality of life. Recently a clinical trial conducted by Macquarie University’s Spinal Pain Research Group investigated whether walking could be an effective, cost-effective, and accessible intervention for lower back pain. Their findings …

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Salt Intake May Explain Eczema Flares

1 in 10 Americans have eczema and experience difficult flares that can be hard to cope with. Fortunately, the over 31.6 million Americans affected by atopic dermatitis may appreciate the findings of a cross-sectional study recently published in JAMA Dermatology from the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) suggesting that changes in daily salt intake may …

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Understanding Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma


Mental health, an integral part of our overall well-being, affects how we think, feel, and act. Despite its importance, mental health remains shrouded in stigma and misconceptions, preventing many from seeking the help they need. This article aims to shed light on the reality of mental health, debunk myths, and explore ways to break the …

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A Whole Food Plant Diet and Lifestyle Can Improve Memory in Early Alzheimer's!

A Whole Food Plant Diet and Lifestyle Can Improve Memory in Early Alzheimer's!

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Although heart disease impacts many more people than Alzheimer’s Dementia (AD), people fear AD …

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A new way to measure aging and disease risk with the protein aggregation clock

Possible Explanation Of Why Time Flies As We Age

Could measuring protein clumps in our cells be a new way to find out our risk of getting age-related diseases? Professor Dorothee Dormann and Professor Edward Lemke of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), who are also adjunct directors at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz, propose the concept of a “protein aggregation clock” …

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Predicting Dementia Up To 9 Years Before Diagnosis

Some brain cells age faster and are more prevalent in Alzheimer's

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London report in Nature Mental Health developing a method for predicting dementia with over 80% accuracy, up to nine years before a diagnosis, and is suggested to be a more accurate way to predict dementia than memory tests or measuring brain shrinkage. “Predicting who is going to get dementia …

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Loneliness May Be Harmful To Our Daily Health

Loneliness May Be Harmful To Our Daily Health

A study recently published during Loneliness Awareness Week in the journal Health Psychology suggests that loneliness may be harmful to our daily health. For this study, researchers from Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Center for Healthy Aging were centered on understanding the subtleties of loneliness and how variations in daily …

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Recognizing Hernia Awareness Month In June

Recognizing Hernia Awareness Month In June

What Is a Hernia?  A hernia is a common medical condition. The National Center for Health Statistics has reported that there are over five million people in the United States suffering from a hernia, yet only about 15% of them seek treatment for the condition.  A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue pushes …

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How Older Adults Can Protect Their Eyes In The Digital Age

How Older Adults Can Protect Their Eyes In The Digital Age

Digital devices have become indispensable in today’s technology-driven society. The number of older adults who use devices has grown, and more have adopted innovations like smartphones and tablets. Around 96% of adults ages 50 to 64 and 75% of 65 and older use the internet, and 83% of those 50 to 64 and 61% of …

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