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Ovary Removal Before Menopause Associated With Reduced White Matter

Ovary Removal Before Menopause Associated With Reduced White Matter

Women who had their ovaries removed before menopause, particularly before the age of 40 were found to have reduced white matter integrity in multiple regions of their brain later in life, according to a study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. What is white matter? White matter refers to a …

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Signs of Social Media Addiction and Their Impact on Well-Being

Modern Stress & Mobile Devices

According to Statista, there were an estimated 4.89 billion social media users worldwide in 2023, which represents approximately half of the world’s population. This staggering number can only keep growing. From kids to boomers, social media has become an integral part of daily life for many, offering connection, entertainment, and information at our fingertips.  However, …

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Ultra Processed Foods Tied To Stroke And Cognitive Decline

Good Foods = Good Moods

According to a new study published in Neurology, people who eat more ultra-processed foods and beverages may have a higher risk of cognitive decline and experiencing a stroke than those who consume fewer processed foods and beverages.  Processed foods and beverages are typically high in added sugars, salt, and fat while being low in protein …

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Study defines major genetic form of Alzheimer’s disease

Study defines major genetic form of Alzheimer’s disease

Research Highlights At a Glance: People with two copies of a certain gene, APOE4, predictably developed Alzheimer’s disease from the relatively early age of 55 years. The findings suggest a newly defined genetic form of Alzheimer’s disease, with implications for future research, diagnosis, and treatment. A small portion of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases are …

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Neurofeedback Therapy for Improved Mental Function

Unlocking the potential of the human mind has been an everlasting pursuit of science and medicine, and one of the most promising elements in this endeavor is called neurofeedback therapy. This therapy, used to help treat a number of mental health conditions (ADHD, epilepsy, anxiety, depression, and insomnia), aims to modify the brain’s response to …

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Mentally Stimulating Work Helps Prevent Dementia

Mentally Stimulating Work Helps Prevent Dementia

Recent research published in the journal Neurology of over 7,000 Norwegians, suggests that if your work is a constant flow of brain-challenging sequences that requires bursts of creativity and delicate negotiations to get the job done, you should consider yourself to be lucky.  The study found that the more people use their brains at work …

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App may pave way to treatments for no. 1 dementia in under-60s


A smartphone app could enable greater participation in clinical trials for people with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a devastating neurological disorder that often manifests in midlife. Research into the condition has been hampered by problems with early diagnosis and difficulty tracking how people are responding to treatments that are only likely to be effective at the …

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Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

A drug used to treat children with epilepsy prevents brain tumor formation and growth in two mouse models of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), according to a study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. NF1 is a genetic condition that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body, including the …

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The Psychological Benefits Of Maintaining Mobility For Seniors

The Psychological Benefits Of Maintaining Mobility For Seniors

If you want to reduce your risk of dementia, start counting your steps. A study suggests that 3,800 and 9,800 steps a day can significantly help to reduce your risk of mental decline. In fact, many everyday activities, such as doing household chores or gentle exercise, can lower your risk, enhance your overall mental health …

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SmartPhone App To Help Identify Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Quest For Care: The Digital Health Arms Race

The digital approach may pave the way for better early diagnosis according to collaborative research from DZNE, the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison with the Magdeburg-based company “neotiv” published in the journal npj Digital Medicine, dedicated memory tests on smartphones and tablets help to enable the early detection of mild cognitive impairment …

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