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Music Evokes Emotion

Music Evokes Emotion

Canadian researchers find that the experience of listening to music releases dopamine, a pleasure-promoting neurotransmitter in the brain. Music maintains a significant role across human society, but the biochemical basis underlying the universal emotional response to listening to music has remained elusive.  Robert Zattore, from McGill University (Canada), and colleagues have found that the experience …

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Positive Outlook Is Key Anti-Aging Strategy

Positive Outlook Is Key Anti-Aging Strategy

To reach and enjoy 100+ years of age, University of Georgia (US) team reveals that maintaining a positive outlook on life is more important than biological markers of health. In that complex interactions between biological, psychological, and sociological factors impact longevity and health, Leonard W. Poon, from the University of Georgia (Georgia, USA), and colleagues …

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Retirement Promotes Well-Being

Retirement Promotes Well-Being

Retirement is associated with sharp reductions in mental and physical fatigue, as well as more modest reductions in depression. Previous studies have suggested a number of health benefits of retirement.  Hugo Westerlund, from Stockholm University (Sweden), and colleagues assessed the health effects of retirement using data collected in the GAZEL study, which followed workers at …

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Literature Review Reaffirms Anxiety-Reducing Benefits of Dietary Supplementation


A literature review confirms a therapeutic benefit of supplements such as passionflower extract, kava, lysine, and arginine, in helping to reduce anxiety. Depression and anxiety are common mental health issues, and psychological disorders are among the most frequent conditions seen in medical offices. Shaheen E. Lakhan , from the Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation (California, USA), …

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High Rates of Depression Among Baby Boomers


US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) reports that 9% of Americans are afflicted with depression, with 4.6% of men and women ages 45 to 64 years having the disorder. US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) reports the prevalence of depression among American adults as 9%, with 3.4% afflicted by major depression.  …

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Yoga Boosts Mood & Reduces Anxiety

Yoga Boosts Mood & Reduces Anxiety

Boston University School of Medicine (US) find that yoga may be superior to other forms of exercise in its positive effect on mood and anxiety. In that previous studies have shown that yoga and other forms of exercise have beneficial effects on mood and anxiety, a team from Boston University School of Medicine (Massachusetts, USA) …

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Tai Chi & Qigong Boost Physical & Psychological Health

Tai Chi & Qigong Boost Physical & Psychological Health

The Chinese wellness practices of Tai Chi and Qigong have positive effects on cardiopulmonary fitness, immune function, bone density, and quality of life. Tai Chi and Qigong, two Chinese wellness practices, have been previously associated with a variety of physical and mental health benefits.  Linda Larkey, of Arizona State University (Arizona, USA), and colleagues conducted …

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Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Depression


Older men and women with low levels of vitamin D in their blood are more likely to suffer from depression than those with higher levels of the vitamin. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to depression in older adults. Dr Luigi Ferrucci of the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore (US) and colleagues …

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Green Exercise Rapidly Boosts Mental Health

Lifetime of Light Exercise Promotes Circulatory Health

Taking just five minutes of exercise in a ‘green’ space, such as a park, can give mental health a significant boost, say researchers. Exercising in a ‘green’ space, such as a park or garden, can give mental health a significant boost, say researchers. Study authors Jules Pretty and Jo Barton of the University of Essex, …

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Loneliness Precipitates Elevated Blood Pressure


Chronic feelings of loneliness can cause a marked increase in blood pressure among men and women ages 50 and up. University of Chicago (Illinois, USA) researchers have shown for the first time, a direct relation between loneliness and increases in blood pressure four years later, with the link being independent of age and other factors …

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