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Red Clover Extract May Lessen Depression and Anxiety


Austrian study finds that red clover extract may alleviate symptoms of depression  and anxiety in postmenopausal women. Although study data pertaining to the effects of phytoestrogens in alleviating the symptoms of mood disorders is scarce, Markus Lipovac, from General Teaching Hospital Korneuburg (Austria), and colleagues have found that a three-month course of red clover extract …

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Green Space Protects Physical and Mental Health


People who live near a park, wooded area, or other green space reap benefits for both physical and mental health. In an increasingly urbanized world, people are living in environments with dwindling green spaces.  Jolanda Maas, from the EMGO Institute VU University Medical Centre (Netherlands), and colleagues studied the medical records of 345,143 Dutch adults, …

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Green Tea Soothes Psychological Stress


People under mental stress may promote psychological well-being by consuming green tea Green tea is rich in catechins, an antioxidant compound, and contains high levels of EGCG, a polyphenol that has been previously found to reduce levels of oxidizing compounds that contribute to physical and mental fatigue.   Atsushi Hozawa, from Tohoku University Graduate School of …

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Advanced age and contentment


Several studies of aging and mental health show that happiness and emotional well-being improve over time. As adults age, they exhibit increased emotional control, allowing them to avoid stressful situations and negative experiences. Several studies of aging and mental health show that happiness and emotional well-being improve over time. As adults age, they exhibit increased …

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Physicians misdiagnose comatic states 40 percent of the time, study finds


A “worrying” study just published in BioMed Central Neurology suggests that physicians may not be able to differentiate between a “minimally conscious state” in which a patient would be kept on life support indefinitely and a “vegetative state” in which life support could be turned off at any time. Distinguishing between different types of coma …

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Psychological trauma in childhood linked to CFS


By Rich Hurd Children who experience psychological trauma are at increased risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in adulthood, new research suggests. Children who experience psychological trauma are at increased risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in adulthood, new research suggests. Christine Heim and colleagues studied 113 people with CFS and 124 without …

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Panic attacks linked to heart disease


By Rich Hurd New research suggests that people who suffer from panic attacks are at increased risk of developing heart disease. New research suggests that people who suffer from panic attacks are at increased risk of developing heart disease. Dr Kate Walters and colleagues at University College London examined medical records of more than 400,000 …

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Psychological therapy increases breast cancer survival


By Rich Hurd New research has shown that breast cancer sufferers who receive psychological therapy sessions to help improve their mood, cope with their diagnosis, and alter deleterious health behaviors, live longer than patients who are not given psychological help. New research has shown that breast cancer sufferers who receive psychological therapy sessions to help …

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Happy people more likely to be healthy


By Rich Hurd People who are happy and satisfied with their life are more likely to remain healthy than people who are unhappy, new research suggests. People who are happy and satisfied with their life are more likely to remain healthy than people who are unhappy, new research suggests. Researchers examined data from a two-part …

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Optimism beneficial for male heart health


By Jeanelle Topping Men who take an optimistic view are more likely to benefit from good heart health, new research suggests. Men who take an optimistic view are more likely to benefit from good heart health, new research suggests. A study conducted at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that men who considered themselves …

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