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Dark chocolate helps boost body and mind


By Jeanelle Topping Dark chocolate can help improve overall wellbeing and contains a variety of health boosting properties, it has been claimed. Dark chocolate can help improve overall wellbeing and contains a variety of health boosting properties, it has been claimed. Nutritionist Henrietta Norton said that dark chocolate still offers the endorphin releasing sensation of …

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Anger can have 'devastating effects' on long-term health


By Jeanelle Topping Problems with anger can cause significant long-term damage to health, the Mental Health Foundation has warned. Problems with anger can cause significant long-term damage to health, the Mental Health Foundation has warned. While anger management is linked to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, the effects of ‘problem anger’ can …

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Scientists Identify Gene That May Indicate Predisposition To Schizophrenia


By Bill Freeman In a new study from The American Journal of Human Genetics, a research team lead by Xinzhi Zhao and Ruqi Tang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) present evidence that genetic variation may indicate predisposition to schizophrenia. Specifically, their findings identify the chitinase 3-like 1 gene as a potential schizophrenia-susceptibility gene and suggest that …

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Non-drug treatments for dementia show promise, experts say


By Bill Freeman Memory training and other non-drug treatments may one day help older adults ward off declines in mental function, according to researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine in an editorial in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. “The latest research suggests that mental training and physical …

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New Dementia Screening Tool Is More Sensitive


By Bill Freeman A screening tool for dementia developed by Saint Louis University geriatricians appears to work better in identifying mild cognitive problems in the elderly than the commonly used Mini Mental Status Examination, according to a new study. Physicians routinely administer the Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) to patients who they believe may have …

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New Genetic Findings Add To Understanding Of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder


By Bill Freeman Obsessive-compulsive disorder tends to run in families, but scientists are still working to understand how and why. Now, new research is shedding light on one of the genetic factors that may contribute to that pattern. And while no one gene “causes” OCD, the research is helping scientists confirm the importance of a …

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Studies Suggest New Brain Protein May Help In Treating Schizophrenia, Insomnia And Anxiety


By Bill Freeman Only recently discovered, a small protein in the brain known as neuropeptide S has been found to induce both profound wakefulness and a less anxious state in animals, and, according to new research, may represent a novel target for the treatment of psychotic behavior and schizophrenia. Neuropeptide S can reduce the biochemical …

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Med diet 'reduces dementia risk'


By Bill Freeman Eating a “Mediterranean-style” healthy diet significantly reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a study has suggested. US researchers looked at the diet and health of 2,200 people over four years. Eating a “Mediterranean-style” healthy diet significantly reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a study has suggested. US researchers looked at …

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EU Mental Health Decline Due To Mercury Poisoning: Chemist


By Bill Freeman The European Union is tackling the problem of declining mental health and has issued a Green Paper in October last year, asking for input and comments on how to best prevent and treat mental problems. The European Union is tackling the problem of declining mental health and has issued a Green Paper …

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Look To The Future: Preparing For Baby Boomer Dementia Epidemic


By Bill Freeman Indiana University School of Medicine and Regenstrief Institute, Inc. researchers begin to answer a question of how US health-care system and more specifically, primary care doctors – the physicians from whom older adults receive most of their care – can prepare for the huge wave of dementia patients expected to engulf US …

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