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Providing lasting protection from peanut allergy

Nanoparticles Used To Develop Peanut Allergen Inhibitor

Research At A Glance: Children who regularly ate peanut-containing foods early in life had a greatly reduced risk of developing peanut allergy into adolescence. Introducing peanut-containing foods as early as 4 to 6 months of age could potentially prevent tens of thousands of cases of peanut allergy each year. Peanut allergy is one of the …

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Girls Are Getting Their First Periods Earlier

Girls Are Getting Their First Periods Earlier

Research suggests that girls are getting their first periods (menarche) earlier than ever before, especially those from minorities and lower-income backgrounds according to a study recently published in JAMA Network Open conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and Apple. The study also found that in …

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How to Teach Pickleball in School's PE Class to Promote Kids Health

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

I used to love physical education (PE) when I was in high school, and unfortunately, pickleball hadn’t become the nation’s top growing sport when I was in school even though pickleball can be good for your health. As such, I was not able to learn pickleball and often had to settle with badminton or running. …

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Study estimates nearly 70 percent of children under six in Chicago may be exposed to lead-contaminated tap water

Excess fluoride linked to cognitive impairment in children

A new analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimates that 68 percent of Chicago children under age six live in households with tap water containing detectable levels of lead. For their analysis, the researchers used machine learning, an artificial intelligence technique, to gauge likely levels of lead in …

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Should Folic Acid Be Added To Table Salt?

Should Folic Acid Be Added To Table Salt?

There are approximately 260,000 births worldwide, about 20 per every 10,000 births, that are affected by spina bifida and anencephaly contributing to a high number of stillbirths, elective pregnancy terminations, and deaths of infants and young children. According to a study recently published in JAMA Network Open by an international team of researchers, using a …

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Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage To The Heart

Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage To The Heart

According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Basic to Translational Science, an injectable hydrogel can mitigate damage to the right ventricle of the heart with chronic pressure overload. The FDA approved an investigational new drug application for the Emory and Georgia Tech researchers to begin a clinical trial in …

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Can You Hear Me Now? Earbuds VS Headphones: Noise Health Risks

Can You Hear Me Now? Earbuds VS Headphones: Noise Health Risks

Advances in mobile technology have made it so that we can take devices loaded with interwebs, information, videos, movies, and music with us everywhere. Not surprisingly technology for sound is also evolving with these devices enabling us to listen more discreetly with minor distractions, going from big clunky headphones to streamlined models and now earbuds …

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Gene therapy restores hearing in children with hereditary deafness

Advance In Glaucoma Gene Therapy

Press Release Highlights: A clinical trial in China in collaboration with Mass Eye and Ear investigators showcased the recovery of hearing for individuals suffering from a type of inherited deafness, DFNB9. Five of six children treated demonstrated hearing recovery and improvements in speech recognition. No dose-limiting toxicities were reported. The trial, which began in December …

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Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Babies and toddlers exposed to television or video viewing may be more likely to exhibit atypical sensory behaviors, such as being disengaged and disinterested in activities, seeking more intense stimulation in an environment, or being overwhelmed by sensations like loud sounds or bright lights, according to data from researchers at Drexel’s College of Medicine published …

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Gardening And Food School Programs Form Lasting Dietary Behaviors

Gardening And Food School Programs Form Lasting Dietary Behaviors

Home Economics/Family and Consumer Sciences covers aspects from both inside and outside of home life and wellness such as cooking, cleaning/hazards, food groups/nutrition, consumer literacy, family finance/budgets, healthy lifestyles, gardening, and sewing among other helpful life skills, used to be taught from middle school through high school and were required to graduate. Unfortunately, most schools …

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