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10 Top Immune System Supplements

Regenerate Your Immune System In 72 Hours

While there is good reason to be concerned about the recent outbreak, there are several different things that can be done to protect yourself and help slow the spread of contamination such as wearing personal protective equipment, practising good hygiene, social distancing, and doing what you can to ensure that your immune system is boosted …

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D.I.Y Hand Sanitizer

D.I.Y Hand Sanitizer

When you are out and about on your journey and soap and water are not available to wash your hands having hand sanitizer can come in handy. For those wondering if you can make your own, yes you can, and according to the CDC to be effective hand sanitizers must contain at least 60% alcohol …

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Official Statement From China For Recommended Treatment Of COVID-19 Using Vitamin C

Higher Vitamin C Levels Associated With Lower Risk Of Mortality

Confirming the reports from small independent studies and 3 clinical trials, a Shanghai hospital has announced a recommendation to use high dose intravenous treatment of vitamin C to treat COVID-19, according to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.  The announced official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high doses of intravenous vitamin C come as …

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New Compounds Fight Multiple Viruses

New Compounds Fight Multiple Viruses

According to a report in ACS’ Journal of Medicinal Chemistry researchers have discovered compounds that are capable of blocking replication of similar coronaviruses as well as other disease causing viruses; but the compounds have not been tested in humans yet.  2019-nCoV is a close relative to SARS as well as MERS-CoV, all of these viruses …

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When Fighting A Cold Or Flu Don’t Forget Nutritional Support

Crying May Be Good For You

Article courtesy of Joseph Maroon, MD, FACS Having a cold or the flu is often sheer misery.  Often we neglect the proper nutrition our bodies need to get well again. Because having a cold or the flu is such an inconvenience as well as a potentially serious health risk, avoiding it through better nutritional choices …

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2020 Coronavirus Report

2020 Coronavirus Report

Article courtesy of: Dr. Ron Klatz M.D., D.O. who is the President/Founder of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), best selling author, lecturer, innovator, medical scientist, leading authority on anti-aging and longevity, and advocate for health, happiness, and wellness for all.  The numbers on the image correspond with the numbers in the article body. 1. This …

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Natural Ways To Combat Flu Virus Symptoms

Natural Ways To Combat Flu Virus Symptoms

Influenza is caused by a virus, and there are several kinds that can give you the flu. While there is no cure for the flu, there are ways both pharmaceutically and gentler more natural approaches to help soothe flu symptoms that may help to shorten how long you are sick. It is very important to …

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Flu Prevention Tips

Flu Prevention Tips

Flu season is still in prime time, big pharma and the media are pushing vaccines as the only way to stop the flu, hoping that we forget figures suggesting it is less than desirable. Many are turning to other more traditional ways to accomplish this effort. Vitamin D3 is one of the best natural ways …

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