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Tips For Choose High-Quality Cannabis Products

Cannabis Can Alleviate Autism Symptoms

The cannabis market is rapidly expanding, the global market was valued at 43.72 billion USD in 2022, and Fortune Business Insights projects that it will grow to 57.18 billion in 2023 to reach 444.34 billion by 2030. Many countries are enacting cannabis-friendly legislation and policies decriminalizing its use, which explains the increasing polarity. While there …

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Drug Prices Are Not Justified By Industry’s Research And Development Spending

Drug Prices Are Not Justified By Industry’s Research And Development Spending

Most industry spending is not on research and development which has patients paying at both ends of drug production. Government action is needed to encourage research and development focused on public health priorities.  High drug prices are not justified by the industry’s spending on research and development (R&D), argue experts in The BMJ today. Aris …

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What’s Next?: The 2023 Industry Trend Report for Healthcare Disruptors and Early Adopters

What’s Next?: The 2023 Industry Trend Report for Healthcare Disruptors and Early Adopters

In 2023, the US healthcare industry is again facing several significant challenges, including ongoing high inflation rates, labor shortages, and the persistent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite continued difficulties, leaders in the space are working to find innovative solutions to improve the current system while looking ahead at the promising future of medicine that …

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Impact of Healthcare Apps Worldwide

How Weight Management Platforms Benefit Providers

Mobile apps have become an integral part of every industry, including healthcare. There are more than 350,000 healthcare apps available today, and at least 250 new apps are released daily. In fact, healthcare management apps made up 47% of all apps in 2021.  Embracing mobile app development doesn’t only enable the healthcare industry to stay …

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Where is the CBD Skincare Trend Headed?

Zombie Cell Anti-Aging Breakthrough

The global CBD skincare market is doing a roaring trade, such that it is predicted to have a value of $3,484.00 million by 2026—per a report published by Allied Market Research. The global CBD oil sector alone is anticipated to reach $1,134 million by 2026, leading many to wonder about the direction in which the …

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Blockchain and R&D DAOs: The Next Frontier Of Longevity Innovation

Soligenix Stocks Increase After Hitting Trial Goal

The longevity industry is currently undergoing a revolution. As the result of investment from companies like Google and Amazon and some of the world’s top billionaires, there has been a surge in scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements in the field of aging research. An exciting wave of development is happening in research labs across the …

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Investing in Immortality: The Multibillion-Dollar Longevity Science and Anti-Aging Industry

The Regenerative Medicine Market: Current State and Future Outlook

Coupled with a lack of sufficient prevention strategies and clinical interventions for age-related diseases, the enormous growth of the elderly population poses a significant socioeconomic and healthcare challenge worldwide. With life expectancy rising across the globe – save for the short-term declines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – more patients are expected to suffer from …

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Plant-Based Alternative Food Consumption May Have Doubled In UK Over 10 Years Suggests Analysis

11 Misconceptions About Plant-Based Eating You Shouldn't Believe

The proportion of UK people reporting eating and drinking plant-based alternative foods such as plant-based milk, vegan sausages and vegetable burgers nearly doubled between 2008-2011 and 2017-2019, according to a new study in Science of the Total Environment. The study was led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), with partners at …

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The Global HRT Market Insights and Trends

HRT Tablets Associated With Increased Risk Of Blood Clots

Commonly prescribed to menopausal patients, individuals with human growth hormone and thyroid imbalances, as well as males with hypogonadism, hormone replacement therapies (HRT) have had a tumultuous history within the medical industry and scientific community. Despite several ups and downs, these therapeutics are now widely popularized solutions to hormonal imbalances, specifically menopause, and constitute a …

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Can Magnets Make You Sleep Better?

Can Magnets Make You Sleep Better?

The Twin Cities neurologist behind Breathe Right Nasal Strips says he has another solution to help people get more rest. We’ve all been more stressed this year. According to the American Psychological Association, the U.S. is facing a national mental health crisis as a result of the pandemic. Dr. Dan Cohen, Twin Cities neurologist, and …

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