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2024’s Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

According to the EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, close to 75% of non-organic fresh produce sold in America contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides and fungicides. Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes a list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list describing the most contaminated and lowest amounts of …

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UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue

Epigenetic mechanism can explain how chemicals in plastic may cause lower IQ levels

University of New Mexico researchers have detected significant concentrations of microplastics in the testicular tissue of both humans and dogs, adding to growing concern about their possible effect on human reproductive health. In a new paper published in the journal Toxicological Sciences, a team led by Xiaozhong “John” Yu, MD, PhD, MPH, a professor in …

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Digital Eye Strain: How to Protect Your Eyes from Screens

Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become daily working essentials. While these digital technologies have helped people stay efficient, they can also cause health problems such as Digital Eye Strain (DES). Digital Eye Strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome refers to several eye conditions caused by high screen time. Without proper screen time management, digital …

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Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Your frying pan may be harming your health, especially when cooking meals that involve frying or sauteing, according to a new study from The University of British Columbia (UBC) published in the journal Environmental Science; finding that frying or sauteing releases brown carbon aerosols that could be impacting indoor air quality as well as your …

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Indoor Air Quality Testing: Detecting Hidden Hazards in Your Home or Workplace

Indoor Air Quality Testing: Detecting Hidden Hazards in Your Home or Workplace

In today’s world, where we spend the majority of our time indoors, ensuring good indoor air quality is paramount for our health and well-being. Environmental testing plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating hidden hazards that may lurk in the air we breathe, both at home and in the workplace. The Importance of Environmental …

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Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Along with becoming more health conscious, some people are also becoming more aware of their impact on Earth and are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. What we eat impacts our health, and it can also impact the environment. Previous research has looked at the impact of diets in general terms, this study published in …

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Indoor Air Quality: Addressing a Public Health Issue On the Rise

Indoor Air Quality: Addressing a Public Health Issue On the Rise

Only seven countries in the world (less than four percent) had air quality levels at or below the healthy annual average recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2023, according to one report from the Swiss air quality organization IQAir. In many cases, poor outdoor air quality is fueled by environmental factors, though the …

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Microplastics make their way from the gut to other organs

Are Plastic Bottles and Packaged Foods Poisoning Your Arteries? -- YES

It’s happening every day. From our water, our food and even the air we breathe, tiny plastic particles are finding their way into many parts of our body. But what happens once those particles are inside? What do they do to our digestive system? In a recent paper published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, …

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Walking Barefoot In Public Has Podiatry Experts Worried

Walking Barefoot In Public Has Podiatry Experts Worried

Recently social media trends have podiatry experts sounding an alarm to de-feet the trend of going shoeless in public places. A barefoot lifestyle is far from new, but the grounding movement is resurfacing thanks to some “influencers” posts on the platforms boasting that walking barefoot is more natural and beneficial to your feet. There are …

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PFAS exposure from high seafood diets may be underestimated

A Dartmouth-led study suggests that people who frequently consume seafood may face an increased risk of exposure to PFAS, the family of ubiquitous and resilient human-made toxins known as “forever chemicals.” The findings stress the need for more stringent public health guidelines that establish the amount of seafood people can safely consume to limit their …

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