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Vigorous Exercise May Preserve Cognition

Brain Fitness: Super Mind Power

Those with hypertension (high blood pressure) are at a higher risk of cognitive impairment, including dementia. However, a study recently published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association from Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggests that participating in vigorous physical activity more than once a week can help to lower that …

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Endurance Exercise and Heart Health? New Data

Blue, Purple, Red, and Yellow Heart Printed Poster, Endurance exercise and heart health

Endurance exercise and heart health, is there a definitive link? The idea that endurance exercise like running marathons and riding long distance bike races may be harmful rather than beneficial to the heart has been around for a very long time. In the year 490 BC, the fittest runner in Greece, Phiddipides, ran 26 miles …

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Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for your brain. Studies have shown that those who exercise have less risk of developing brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is not just cardiorespiratory exercises like aerobics, running, or dance that help to promote brain health, weight …

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Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Incorporating yoga into your daily schedule is a great way to begin your fitness journey. You only need a yoga mat and a suitable place to do the yoga asanas, and you are good to go. Unlike the gym, you don’t need any equipment to do any postures. This hassle-free approach to yoga has made …

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More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

More than 53,000 Americans are projected to die from colorectal cancer this year. Although colorectal cancer is the second-most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States, it can be cured if caught early. Detecting a tumor as soon as possible can help you get treatment as soon as possible, giving you the best …

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How to Teach Pickleball in School's PE Class to Promote Kids Health

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

I used to love physical education (PE) when I was in high school, and unfortunately, pickleball hadn’t become the nation’s top growing sport when I was in school even though pickleball can be good for your health. As such, I was not able to learn pickleball and often had to settle with badminton or running. …

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Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Achieving weight loss and overall wellness is a multifaceted journey that extends beyond mere diet and exercise. Embracing a holistic approach can lead to sustainable and long-term success, integrating physical, mental, and emotional health. This article explores effective strategies that can help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Weight Loss and Overall Wellness: Understanding Holistic …

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Should Physical Activity Goals Be In Minutes Or Steps?

Should Movement Goals Be In Minutes Or Steps?

Current physical activity guidelines do not recommend a specific step count for health, now a new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) suggests that both step count and time-based exercise targets are equivalently associated with lower risks of early death and cardiovascular disease. Monitoring your step count and/or movement duration has become increasingly easier …

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Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

As a student competing in track and field at his Parlier high school, Robert Leija was obsessed with how to improve his performance and, in particular, prevent the buildup of lactic acid in his muscles during training. Like many athletes, he blamed it for the performance fatigue and muscle soreness he experienced after intense workouts. …

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Understanding how exercise affects the body

Understanding how exercise affects the body

Research at a Glance: Exercise is one of the most beneficial activities that people can engage in. Regular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other health problems. It can even help people with many mental health conditions feel better. But exactly how exercise exerts its positive effects hasn’t been well understood. …

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