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From Brush to Floss: Crafting a Personalized Dental Care Routine

From Brush to Floss: Crafting a Personalized Dental Care Routine

Maintaining optimal oral health goes beyond the daily brush – it involves crafting a personalized dental care routine tailored to your unique needs. From choosing the right tools to adopting effective techniques, a personalized approach ensures a healthy smile and overall well-being. In this article, we explore the essential components of a customized dental care …

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Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Have you ever wondered about the role your genes play in your mental health? It’s a rapidly evolving field and more intriguing than you might think. Genetics and epigenetics in mental health disorders are like pieces of a complex puzzle. Like scientists identify genetic markers linked to lifespan, they also uncover how our genetic makeup …

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Colored Contacts: Just Fashionable or Also Functional?

Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens

Contact lenses are among the most commonly used eyewear across the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 45 million people in the US regularly wear contact lenses. Arguably, a significant chunk of these wearers also use colored contacts, given that these are seeing massive demand. In fact, a …

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Now Trending: Volume Eating

Now Trending: Volume Eating

Have you heard of volume eating? It is not a new concept, people have been trying to use this “little trick” for decades, but it is making another debut on social media. Volume eating is the practice of eating lots of certain types of foods to lose weight, specifically loading up on lots of low-calorie …

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Waking Up Dizzy

Have you ever woken up dizzy and aren’t sure why? While there can be a few different reasons, dizziness upon waking up can result from shifting fluid in your inner ear or several health conditions such as dehydration and low blood sugar. Staying hydrated may help to reduce dizziness. Once in a while rather than …

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Listening to Your Body: Recognizing and Addressing Symptoms of GERD

Listening to Your Body: Recognizing and Addressing Symptoms of GERD

The body often communicates its needs and concerns through subtle signals. Regarding Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), listening to these signals becomes crucial for early detection and effective management. This article explores the importance of tuning in to your body, recognizing the symptoms of GERD, and taking proactive steps to address them for optimal gastrointestinal health. …

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Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Sinuses protect the underlying structures, keep the skull light, and manage throat and nose health. When these air cavities in the face and skull develop infection or inflammation, you suffer from breathing and sleeping problems. Various other debilitating symptoms can also accompany them. Generally, sinusitis can be of two types: acute and chronic. Acute conditions …

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Spit Happens: The Surprising Importance of Saliva

Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis Via The Tongue

Do you have a favorite food that makes your mouth water? The liquid that fills your mouth is called saliva. This remarkable fluid helps you digest food and stay healthy. Saliva, or spit, has many important roles. It helps to moisten food, which affects its flavor and makes it easier to swallow. It contains proteins …

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Anti-Inflammation Information From Dr. Maroon

Globally, 15% Of Those Over 30 May Have Arthritis

Dr. Joseph Maroon, as a practicing Neurosurgery for over 30 years, has devoted his professional career to researching and treating conditions that affect the brain, spine, muscles, joints, and nerves. He has personally seen the effects of severe inflammation associated with spinal disc disease, tumors, and chronic arthritic pain and deformities in his patients. Dr. …

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Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

As seniors navigate their retirement years, they need to prioritize not only their financial well-being but also their mental health. Achieving financial stability and peace of mind can significantly contribute to a sense of security and overall well-being. Seniors who are under financial stress may exhibit symptoms like worry, despair, and sadness, according to Blue …

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