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The Rise of Telehealth: How Mobile Physicians are Changing Healthcare

The Rise of Telehealth: How Mobile Physicians are Changing Healthcare

Introduction to Telehealth Telehealth is transforming how patients access medical care, making it more convenient and accessible. Digital technology allows healthcare providers to monitor, diagnose, and treat patients remotely. This approach has given rise to telehealth services like Mobile Physician, a healthcare professional who delivers medical services on the go, leveraging telecommunication tools to meet …

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Medicare Fraud? Call the Experts

Nearly 25 Million U.S. Workers Now Have High-Deductible Health Plans

Medicare fraud is a big problem in healthcare. It steals billions of dollars annually and hurts the quality of care for many people. In this article, we’ll talk about Medicare fraud, how it hurts people, and how experts are fighting against it. What is Medicare Fraud? Medicare fraud is when people cheat the Medicare program …

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Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Aging Populations: Primary Care Strategies

Aging In Place With AgeTech

Understanding the Challenge of Demographic Shifts: Aging Populations One of the most significant demographic shifts in recent decades is the aging of populations worldwide. Advancements in healthcare and improved living conditions have led to longer life expectancies, resulting in a larger proportion of elderly individuals in society. In the United States alone, the number of …

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Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Sinuses protect the underlying structures, keep the skull light, and manage throat and nose health. When these air cavities in the face and skull develop infection or inflammation, you suffer from breathing and sleeping problems. Various other debilitating symptoms can also accompany them. Generally, sinusitis can be of two types: acute and chronic. Acute conditions …

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Empower Your Health: Key Self-Care Tactics for Healthcare Workers

Empower Your Health: Key Self-Care Tactics for Healthcare Workers

In the demanding world of healthcare, professionals often navigate a tightrope between their responsibilities and personal health. This guide from delves into fundamental self-care strategies, crucial for avoiding burnout and achieving a harmonious work-life balance. These practices are not just beneficial; they are essential for maintaining robust physical and mental health, enabling healthcare workers …

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4 Things That Make Prescription Eyewear More Accessible Today

8 Common Eye Problems and Their Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Many people need prescription glasses these days. Poor eyesight comes from genes, age, or conditions like age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma. A 2022 report from The Vision Council revealed that 204.1 million U.S. adults (79%) use corrective eyewear to compensate for refractive error, with the form of eyewear including eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, reading glasses, and …

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From Request to Response: The Journey of Healthcare Information Release

Millions Of Patient Medical & Financial Records Hacked

Access to healthcare information is critical to patient-centric care and informed decision-making in the modern healthcare landscape, where patient empowerment is a top priority. This journey includes the meticulous process of granting patients and authorized parties access to pertinent medical records and data. As healthcare organizations increasingly adopt a patient-centric approach, a well-structured release of …

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The Forgotten Middle-Class Struggle In Retirement

Longevity May Be Redefining Retirement & The Workforce

According to research by the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics and the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health published in Health Affairs, modern lower-middle-class Americans nearing retirement are worse off than their counterparts of two decades ago, while the upper-middle-class have largely seen improvements. Lower-middle-class Americans were able to carve out …

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Americans Are Avoiding Medical Care Due To Costs

Changes in Wealth Tied to Changes In Cardiovascular Health

According to a random double opt-in survey of 2,000 general population Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Assurance IQ, only 34% of the respondents said that they have visited their primary care physician in the past year, with 53% reporting that out-of-pocket expenses impacted their decision not to seek medical care when it was …

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Many Americans Give The Healthcare System A Failing Grade

Most People Don’t Have The Assets To Endure 3 Months Without Income

It appears as if a lot of Americans (44%) think that the healthcare system leaves a lot to be desired and that it is failing them, according to a new West Health-Gallup poll. The report asked over 5,500 participants to provide letter grades for different aspects of healthcare similar to a school report card with …

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