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Unlocking the Full Potential of Telemedicine: 3 Tips for Maximizing Your Virtual Healthcare Experience

Remote Telepractice Technology is Sparking a Speech Teletherapy Surge

Over the last several years, telemedicine has become a more prominent part of the general medical landscape. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became one of the most practical ways for patients to interact with healthcare services, because it minimized exposure to the virus. Today, telehealth offers the convenience of attending appointments from the comfort of …

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Understanding Immunocompromised Conditions: Insights for Patients, Families, and Caregivers

Immune System Remains Aggressive After Fast Food Diets In Long Term

Living with an immunocompromised condition can be challenging. It’s not unusual for patients to feel particularly vulnerable, as a layer of protection from the risks the world presents is not as effective as it once was. This means that a strong system of support in a range of areas is vital. A part of this …

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Enhancing Patient Experience in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Guide

A Second Opinion Is Your First Choice

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, the focus on patient experience has become increasingly vital. Patient experience refers to all the interactions a patient encounters throughout their healthcare journey, including care from physicians, nurses, staff, and healthcare facilities. While technology plays a crucial role in enhancing patient experience, healthcare providers need to recognize that patients are …

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The Digital Edge: Building and Growing Your Online Presence for Practice Success


In today’s digital age, medical professionals must maneuver an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, particularly in their efforts to attract and retain patients. Relying solely on word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals is no longer sufficient for achieving practice growth. The online realm has become a challenging battleground for health practitioners vying for prospective patients’ increasingly fragmented attention and …

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Basic First Aid Knowledge: 5 Reasons Why It's Essential

CPR: Important Role In The Opioid Crisis

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time, and to anyone. Typically, these accidents tend to happen when you least expect them to. Because of this ever-present fact, it is critical to have some sense of preparation: basic first aid knowledge is invaluable, as you never know when or where you might need it. Take your …

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Harnessing the Power of AI in Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Harnessing the Power of AI in Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing computer systems with human-like intelligence to perform complex tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. As the capabilities of this technology expand, so will the number of its potential applications in the medical realm. In anti-aging and functional medicine, physicians may …

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7 Ways to Manage Patients Effectively

7 Ways to Manage Patients Effectively

It might be difficult to keep track of patients and their medical histories. All medical professionals, including doctors, are responsible for maintaining accurate patient records and seeing to the needs of patients. Many clinics still use “antiquated paper records“ despite the widespread adoption of electronic health records in recent decades. 1. Use Clinic Software A …

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Securing Seniority: Creating Your Own Financial and Health Safety Net

Longevity May Be Redefining Retirement & The Workforce

If you want to secure your future, it’s a good idea to create a retirement and later-in-life financial and healthcare safety net that isn’t reliant on Social Security or Medicare. At first, this may seem complicated, but with the right planning and resources, it is possible to effectively cover yourself moving forward.  Insurance When you …

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The Future Of Nursing May Be At A Breaking Point

National Nurses Month: Supporting Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

For decades nurses really haven’t been getting the respect that they deserve. Not only do these diligent and hard-working people multitask to the extreme, juggling a number of responsibilities on a daily basis, but they also work exceedingly long hours and are tasked with administering medication as well as treatments while barely receiving so much …

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Non-Drug Interventions For Patients With Alzheimer's Are Both Effective And Cost-Effective, Study Shows

Nasal Irrigation (and Gargling) to Reduce the Severity of Viral Infections

A Brown-led research team used a computer simulation to show that compared to usual care, four dementia-care interventions saved up to $13,000 in costs, reduced nursing home admissions and improved quality of life. While new drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease tend to receive the most public attention, many well-researched ways to care for people with …

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