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Top 6 Ways Which May Prove Effective In Treating Eczema

Eczema Treatments

Roughly 30% of Americans suffer from varying skin-related issues, with eczema being a common ailment. While home remedies might not cure eczema instantly, they can reduce the symptoms and provide relief. Over time, proper administration of such natural remedies can help individuals overcome the challenges posed by eczema. Several natural treatments can help soothe itching …

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Common Myths About Catching And Spreading Germs

You May Be Able To Catch The Flu Just By Breathing

We are in the flu and cold season once more, and there is a lot to be worried about, as such many are putting more focus on how to stay healthy, which is a good thing. From taking dietary supplements to drinking a lot of soup and practically bathing in hand sanitizer we have all …

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Natural Remedies For Pain And Infection

Natural Remedies For Pain And Infection

During emergency and high stress situations you may experience a higher risk for physical injury, which may be made worse by the lack of conventional medical facilities or supplies. If the event happens to be a disaster the chances of stores being ransacked are very high leaving you with only the bounty of nature to …

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Cold Showers May Improve Circulation And Productivity


Most people prefer to have a nice relaxing hot shower in the morning, but some opt to have a cold shower to jump start their day, a study even shows cold showers will make you more likely to go to work. A study led by the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam revealed that cold showers …

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Garlic May Help To Rid Corns & Warts

Garlic May Help To Rid Corns & Warts

Warts and corns are some of the most common conditions to plague the skin. Warts are caused by a virus, while corns are caused by repetitive actions that cause too much pressure and friction. According to a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology garlic showed biological activities as a topical treatment which helped …

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Duct Tape Wart Removal

Duct Tape Wart Removal

Many people have warts, they typically appear as a result of a viral infection that the body takes several months or years to mount an immune response against, meaning it can take some time for warts to resolve on their own. Although unsightly they are typically not medically harmful, without treatment then can take up …

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