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Walking Promotes Benefits For Lower Back Pain

In 2050, over 800 million people globally estimated to be living with back pain

Approximately 800 million people around the globe have lower back pain, and lower back pain is a leading cause of disability and reduced quality of life. Recently a clinical trial conducted by Macquarie University’s Spinal Pain Research Group investigated whether walking could be an effective, cost-effective, and accessible intervention for lower back pain. Their findings …

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Providing lasting protection from peanut allergy

Nanoparticles Used To Develop Peanut Allergen Inhibitor

Research At A Glance: Children who regularly ate peanut-containing foods early in life had a greatly reduced risk of developing peanut allergy into adolescence. Introducing peanut-containing foods as early as 4 to 6 months of age could potentially prevent tens of thousands of cases of peanut allergy each year. Peanut allergy is one of the …

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Drug May Help Those With A Heart Condition Exercise Easier

Drug May Help Those With A Heart Condition Exercise Easier

During an international randomized, double-blind Phase 3 clinical trial of 282 adults, those with the obstructive form of the heart condition hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) were able to use significantly more oxygen while exercising after taking an experimental drug called aficamten according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine from Oregon Health & …

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Cranberry Extracts May Promote Gut Health

Cranberry Extracts May Promote Gut Health

Cranberries are popular meal additions around Thanksgiving and Christmas, however, recent research published in the journal npj Biofilms and Microbiomes by researchers from the Université Laval and the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) suggests that these tart little berries should be included in meals more often, finding that these rich sources of potent …

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Drug May Lower Triglycerides And Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Drug May Lower Triglycerides And Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

An experimental drug called olezarsen may reduce levels of bad blood fats called triglycerides and lower the risk of heart disease, according to two studies that were recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine, and the drug could be approved in the near future for those with a rare condition called familial chylomicronemia …

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Chelation Therapy Fails to Improve Outcome in Heart Disease: The TACT2 Trial

Pay To Play Anti-Aging Clinical Trial

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Dr. Kahn is one of the featured speakers at the A4M 32nd Annual Spring …

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Successful 'first in human' clinical trial of pioneering guidance for heart bypass surgery

Successful 'first in human' clinical trial of pioneering guidance for heart bypass surgery

A new approach to the guidance, planning, and conduct of heart bypass surgery has been successfully tested on patients for the first time in a clinical trial coordinated by a research team at the University of Galway. The FAST TRACK CABG study, overseen by the University’s CORRIB Research Centre for Advanced Imaging and Core Lab, …

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An apple cider vinegar drink a day? New study shows it might help weight loss

Science Backed Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Made from fermented apples and naturally high in acetic acid, apple cider vinegar has been popular in recent years for its purported health benefits – from antibacterial properties to antioxidant effects and potential for helping manage blood sugars. Its origins as a health tonic stretch much further back. Hippocrates used it to treat wounds, fever …

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Some People Diagnosed With Dementia May Actually Have Liver Disease

Some People Diagnosed With Dementia May Actually Have Liver Disease

A recent study of American Veterans published in JAMA Network Open found that 10% of those diagnosed with dementia actually had a treatable liver condition called hepatic encephalopathy (HE). Hepatic encephalopathy can be mild and difficult to diagnose, symptoms can be as subtle as changes in sleep patterns and irritability. As this condition worsens, symptoms …

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The Green Mediterranean Diet May Be Twice As Healthy As Mediterranean Diet

The Green Mediterranean Diet May Be Twice As Healthy As Mediterranean Diet

A randomized controlled clinical trial led by Prof. Iris Shai of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, an adjunct Professor from the Harvard School of Public Health and an honorary professor at the University of Leipzig, Germany published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that the green Mediterranean diet which is …

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