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It’s All About Balance: How Proper Hormone Balance Affects Women’s Health

It’s All About Balance: How Proper Hormone Balance Affects Women’s Health

Hormones comprise a delicately balanced system in the body. People with a healthy hormone balance tend to enjoy long, healthy, and productive lives, but long-term hormone imbalances may take their toll on myriad aspects of health. In women, one or more hormone imbalance may contribute to such common problems as: Breast health conditions, including cancer …

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Low DHEA Predicts Coronary Heart Disease

Low DHEA Predicts Coronary Heart Disease

Men with low blood levels of DHEA may be at increased risk of developing coronary heart disease events. The most abundant steroid in the human body, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is involved in the manufacture of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and corticosterone.  Claes Ohlsson, from Sahlgrenska Academy (Sweden), and colleagues monitored 2,614 men, ages 69 to 80 years, …

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DHEA Helps to Improve Symptoms of Menopause

DHEA Helps to Improve Symptoms of Menopause

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, helps to alleviate menopausal symptoms. Dehydroepiandrosterone, better known as DHEA, is the most abundant steroid in the human body involved and is involved in the manufacture of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and corticosterone.  DHEA levels continue to rise up to about age twenty-five, when production drops off …

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Genes that Control DHEAS Levels Uncovered


Eight genes that control levels of the hormone DHEAS, thought to play a key role in longevity, have been identified by a international group of scientists. Researchers have identified eight genes that control levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS). It has long been known that the concentration of DHEAS declines rapidly with age, and this has …

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This Week's Anti-Aging Video Feature: Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy


Dr Pati, one of the world’s foremost eductators and practicing physicians in the field of HRT discusses the beneficial effects of bio-identical hormone replacement which multiple studies have shown do not share the same problems as synthetic hormones. At the upcoming Anti-Aging Conference: Clinical Applications for In-Office Procedures, Dr. Pati will present, Putting It All …

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This Week's Anti-Aging Video Presentation: Dr. Smith Discusses the Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine Fellowship


Pam Smith, MD, Director of the Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine Fellowhship discusses this comprehensive, two-year program . To view the video, click here. Modules I and VIII of the Fellowship will be presented at the upcoming Anti-Aging Conference: Clinical Appliations for In-Office Procedures in San Jose, California, September 9-12, 2009. For more information, call 1-888-997-0112. …

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This Week's Anti-Aging Video Preview–Nutriceutical Balancing and Enhancement of BHRT


Naina Sachdev discusses Nutriceutical Balancing and Enhancement of BHRT at the 16th A4M Conference in Orlando, FL. To view the video preview, click here. Dr. Sachdev will present three sessions at the upcoming Anti-Aging Conference: Clinical Applications for In-Office Procedures in San Jose, California, September 9-12, 2009. She will present two sessions on using saliva …

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Red clover may help to prevent prostate cancer


By Rich Hurd New research suggests that the herbal supplement red clover (Trifolium pretense) may blunt certain effects of the hormone DHEA, thus potentially eliminating any deleterious effects the hormone may have on the prostate. New research suggests that the herbal supplement red clover (Trifolium pretense) may blunt certain effects of the hormone DHEA, thus …

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Clinical Update on Benefits of DHEA


By Bill Freeman Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) along with its form as a sulfate ester (DHEA-S) that serves as a reservoir for DHEA itself, are weak androgens produced primarily by the adrenal gland. Combined, DHEA and DHEA-S are the most abundant adrenal hormones found in human plasma. The peak plasma levels of DHEA and DHEA-S occur at …

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DHEA, Chapter Five


By Bill Freeman Hormones and aging have long enjoyed a kind of chicken-and-egg relationship. Does aging result in falling levels of key hormones, or does a drop in the levels of key hormones bring on the aging process Hormones and aging have long enjoyed a kind of chicken-and-egg relationship. Does aging result in falling levels …

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