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AIDS: Court Case Exposes Scientific Contradictions


By Bill Freeman A legal case in South Australia has brought the scientific contradictions of the pharmaceutical AIDS paradigm into the spotlight. The defendant, Andre Chad Parenzee is appealing against his conviction on three counts of endangering life. The case challenges the validity of the theory that a virus called HIV does indeed cause a …

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Iran claims found herbal cure for AIDS; Ahmadinejad vows Islamic Republic's nuclear rights 'will be


By Bill Freeman On the same day that Iranian scientists claimed that they have discovered a herbal cure for AIDS, President Ahmadinejad vowed that on February 11 the Islamic Republic’s nuclear rights “will be established.” “The drug named ‘IMOD’ is completely effective and safe with no proved side effects,” Iran’s Minister of Health, Treatment and …

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Common Parasitic Infection Leads To Increased Risk For HIV Infection


By Bill Freeman A new study shows a significantly increased risk of HIV infection among women with a common sexually transmitted disease, trichomoniasis. Although studies have been undertaken in the past to show the link between sexually transmitted infections and susceptibility to HIV, the study published in the March 1 issue of the Journal of …

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Crunch time for AIDS vaccine nears in 2008


By Bill Freeman The hunt for a vaccine against AIDS is about to enter a critical stage, with results in 2008 from large-scale clinical trials of two candidates set to determine the future direction of research. The hunt for a vaccine against AIDS is about to enter a critical stage, with results in 2008 from …

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Male circumcision key to victory in Africa AIDS fight


By Bill Freeman Southern Africa, the epicentre of the AIDS epidemic, agreed to look at male circumcision to fight the pandemic in the wake of reports that it could halve the risk of males contracting HIV. A 14-nation regional bloc ended a three-day meeting on HIV/AIDS by stating that “member states will hold further national …

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Prominent Chinese AIDS activist missing


By Bill Freeman Chinese AIDS activist who was organizing a symposium to help people with the disease fight for their legal rights has gone missing after meeting with police, his advocacy group said Saturday. Although Beijing launched a more open and energetic fight against AIDS two years ago, the apparent disappearance of the activist, Wan …

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AIDS experts convene ahead of World AIDS Day


By Bill Freeman With almost 25 million Africans infected with HIV — 2.8 million new infections last year and 2.1 million deaths — the statistics are as grim as ever as Africa readies for World AIDS Day on December 1. But after years of negative news, African health experts hope that at long last there …

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Human Testis Harbors HIV-1 In Resident Immune Cells


By Bill Freeman Researchers have demonstrated HIV replication within resident immune cells of the testis, providing an explanation for the persistence of virus in semen even after effective highly active antiretroviral therapy. The related report by Roulet et al., “Susceptibility of human testis to human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection in situ and in vitro,” appears in …

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New Strategy For AIDS Vaccination: HIV Exploits Competition Among T-cells


By Bill Freeman A new HIV study shows how competition among the human immune system’s T cells allows the virus to escape destruction and eventually develop into full-blown AIDS. The study, which employs a computer model of simultaneous virus and immune system evolution, also suggests a new strategy for vaccinating against the virus — a …

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Radioactive Antibody "Missiles" Home In on HIV


By Bill Freeman It worked for treating cancer; now researchers have found they can send dollops of lethal radiation directly into HIV-infected cells using radioactive antibodies. So far the technique only works in mice, but investigators hope they can extend their proof-of-concept to a treatment capable of destroying all of the infected cells in a …

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