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Gout flare-ups could raise heart disease risk for weeks after

Herbal Remedies To Help Increase Blood Circulation In The Feet

When gout flares up, the joint pain is often excruciating. But that’s not the only worry tied to this common inflammatory arthritic condition. A new British study warns that gout flares double the risk for heart attack or stroke over the two months that follow. A spike in risk endures even three to four months …

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Sign Of The Times: Over Half Of Young Americans Have A Chronic Health Condition

Sign Of The Times: Over Half Of Young Americans Have A Chronic Health Condition

A recent federal study shows that chronic conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, asthma, and depression are affecting almost 40 million Americans between the ages of 18-34. 40 million is more than half of America’s young adults, that’s nearly 54%, who are living with at least one chronic health condition. To add to this …

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Obesity Lowering The Age For Knee Replacements

Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

More than half of Australians who underwent knee replacement for osteoarthritis were obese, increasing their risk of having the operation at a younger age, especially among women. A study by The University of Queensland Rural Clinical School (UQRCS) compared data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2017-18 National Health Survey with the Australian Orthopaedic …

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Doctors Group Says Plant-Based Diet Could Be Prescription for Arthritis Pain

Plant Based Food Market Growth In America

A new report shows that one in four Americans has arthritis. The reason, according to the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, may be food choices. The good news is that a plant-based diet may help. A Physicians Committee review of clinical trials and observational studies published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition found that …

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Vegan Diet Eases Arthritis Pain, Finds New Study

The Body Changes When We Go Vegan

A low-fat vegan diet, without calorie restrictions, improves joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. Study participants also experienced weight loss and improved cholesterol levels. “A plant-based diet could be the …

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Study finds hydroxychloroquine delays disability for least treatable form of multiple sclerosis

Study finds hydroxychloroquine delays disability for least treatable form of multiple sclerosis

A University of Calgary study has found promising results for the generic drug hydroxychloroquine when used to treat the evolution of disability of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS), the least treatable form of the autoimmune disease. MS affects about 90,000 Canadians with about 15 percent of those diagnosed with primary progressive MS, one of the …

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Arthritis-related gene also regenerates cartilage in joints and growth plates

What Is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

The IL-6 family of proteins has a bad reputation: it can promote inflammation, arthritis, autoimmune disease and even cancer. However, a new USC-led study published in Communications Biology reveals the importance of IL-6 and associated genes for maintaining and regenerating cartilage in both the joints and in the growth plates that enable skeletal growth in …

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Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

UConn bioengineers successfully regrew cartilage in a rabbit’s knee, a promising hop toward healing joints in humans, they report in the 12 January issue of Science Translational Medicine. Arthritis is a common and painful disease caused by damage to our joints. Normally pads of cartilage cushion those spots. But injuries or age can wear it …

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Gallic Acid And Stretching Decrease Osteoarthritis Markers In Cartilage Cells

Understanding and Mastering Inflammation

A team led by Washington State University researchers used gallic acid, an antioxidant found in gallnuts, green tea and other plants, and applied a stretching mechanism to human cartilage cells taken from arthritic knees that mimics the stretching that occurs when walking. The combination not only decreased arthritis inflammation markers in the cells but improved …

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Several Protein Biomarkers Protect Against Disease Development

Obesity raises the risk of gum disease by inflating growth of bone-destroying cells

A comprehensive study from Uppsala University shows that several disease-associated protein biomarkers protect healthy individuals from developing inflammatory diseases. The protective effects are attributed to the proteins’ function in preventing tissue damage, a function that might be very different from the effect in a tissue subjected to chronic or acute inflammation. Inflammatory processes are associated …

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