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Remodeling Gut Microbiomes To Fight Disease

Patient Dies From Fecal Microbiota Transplant

What you eat affects which microbes are in the intestinal tract, and harmful gut microbiome changes, which are influenced by what we eat, have been shown to lead to illness such as obesity, cancer, and heart disease. Scientists report that they have developed molecules that can change or remodel unhealthy gut microbiomes in mice to …

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Are There Benefits To The Celery Juice Trend?

Are There Benefits To The Celery Juice Trend?

At one point talk of celery juice was all the rage, bombarding news feeds with promises of more energy, weight loss, improved digestion, restoring nervous system function, helping to kill off pathogens, helping to alleviate mental conditions, and detoxification.  In a short period of time social media was blasted with numerous posts tooting horns to …

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Sleep Tracking Ring May Detect When You’ve Drank Too Much

Sleep Tracking Ring May Detect When You’ve Drank Too Much

This unisex chunky pewter coloured Oura Health ring designed to be worn day and night claims to be able to measure different sleep stages to help promote healthy lifestyle changes, and is increasing in popularity in Europe. Infrared LEDs hidden inside the band measure the heart rate while at rest, as well as a temperature …

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Sugary Drink Consumption May Be Linked To Increased Risk Of Cancer

Sugary Drink Consumption May Be Linked To Increased Risk Of Cancer

It is well established and documented that sugary drinks are bad for your health, now a study published in The BMJ has reported a possible link between higher consumption of sugary drinks and increased risk of cancer.  Observational results yielded should be interpreted with caution, but they do add to a growing body of evidence …

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Nighttime Snacking Promotes Vicious Cycle

Binge Eating At Night

Nighttime snacking has been found to promote a cycle of sleeplessness, weight gain, and junk food cravings; the propensity for junk food increases risk of obesity, which increases the risk for diabetes and other weight related problems, according to the researchers.  A nationwide survey was conducted involving 3,105 adults from 23 American metropolitan areas who …

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Elite Athletes Microbiomes Contain Performance Enhancing Bacteria

Elite Athletes Microbiomes Contain Performance Enhancing Bacteria

A gut bacteria has been identified by researchers from Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard Medical School in the microbiome of marathon runners that is not found in sedentary people which is able to boost capacity for exercise, as published in Nature Medicine. Mice were observed to be able to run longer on treadmills that were …

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Calorie Restriction May Be Bad News For Cancer Cells

Calorie Restriction May Be Bad News For Cancer Cells

Diets are a dime a dozen, a quick search will provide endless pages of results. But do any of these actually result in any benefits, and which ones give the most benefit when it comes to overall health?  According to work from the Harper Cancer Research Institute published in Nutrition Research calorie restriction causes cancer …

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It May Be Best To Eat Dessert First

It May Be Best To Eat Dessert First

Many people like to eat dessert first because it is the best part. A new study from the American Psychological Association suggests choosing a high calorie treat at the beginning of a meal may not be as bad for you as one might think, as published in APA PsycNet. Desserts have been declared as being …

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