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The Health Effects of Flextime and Telecommuting


Flexible working conditions promote physical and mental health among employees. Flexible working arrangements, such as flexitime (self-scheduled work shifts) and telecommuting (working from home), are becoming more commonplace in the US and other industrialized nations.  Claire Bambra, of Durham University (United Kingdom), and colleagues reviewed ten controlled before-and-after studies involving 16,603 participants, which evaluated a …

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Savvy Shoppers Make Sound Food Purchases


As compared to nutrition education, price discounts promote healthy food choices among grocery shoppers. While expectations levied on the food and beverage industry to encourage healthy eating, many consumers, health advocates, and governmental bodies wish for expanded improvements to reduce health problems associated with poor dietary choices.  Cliona Ni Mhurchu, from The University of Auckland …

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Couch Potatoes At Increased Risk for Premature Death


Every hour spent sedentary in front of the television per day brings with it an 11% greater risk of premature death from all causes, as well raises risks of death due to cancer and cardiovascular disease. Every hour of television watched per day while being sedentary may increase the risk of dying prematurely, and particularly …

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Factors in Skin Aging Revealed


Study of twins uncovers environmental factors that influence skin photoaging. Photoaged skin may appear to be coarsely wrinkled, have spots of extra pigment or lost pigment, or be affected with dilated blood vessels. In that up to 40% of aging-related changes to the skin are estimated to be a result of non-genetic factors, Kathryn J. …

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Reduce Income Inequalities to Save Millions of Lives and Improve Quality of Life


International study reaffirms importance of resolving the income gap between the richest and poorest people in developed countries. In that a widening of inequalities has taken place since the 1970s, Naoki Kondo, from University of Yamanashi (Japan), and colleagues from Japan and the United States studied data on nearly 60 million residents of 30 countries, …

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Promote Walking to Encourage Healthy Habits


Simple steps in the community can promote walking among residents. In that many neighborhoods have barriers restraining residents’ ability and accessibility to walk, James Krieger, from Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Section of Public Health—Seattle and King County (Washington, USA), developed a program of multiple interventions to promote walking activity. The team implemented sponsored walking …

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Home Environment A Strong Factor in Weight Management


New insights into what makes for successful, long-term weight control. In that understanding the factors that influence successful weight control is critical for developing interventions, Suzanne Phelan, from California Polytechnic State University (USA), and colleagues surveyed 167 men and women who lost at least 10% of their body weight and kept the weight off for …

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Lifestyle A Key Approach for Minimizing Risk of Diabetes


Enjoying a healthy diet and engaging in a regular routine of physical activity may significantly slash a person’s risk of Type-2 diabetes. In that poor diet, being sedentary, and carrying excess weight are significant risk factors for type 2 diabetes, William C. Knowler and the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group (US National Institute of Diabetes …

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Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Affected by Age, Lifestyle


Ability of a person’s circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during physical activity declines throughout adulthood, accelerating after age 45 and more so in those who are physically inactive, obese, or smokers. Cardiorespiratory fitness is a health-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply …

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Neighborhood Environment Influences Diabetes Risk


Access to, and availability of, residential assets such as exercise opportunities and healthy dining options, help to prevent the onset of type-2 diabetes. Access to, and availability of, residential assets such as exercise opportunities and healthy dining options, help to prevent the onset of type-2 diabetes. People living in residential areas with easily accessible and …

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