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Evolution: dwarf model systems to healthy centenarians?


By Bill Freeman Restriction of the number of calories consumed extends longevity in many organisms. In rodents, caloric restriction decreases the levels of plasma glucose and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) and postpones or attenuates cancer, immunosenescence, and inflammation without irreversible side effects. Restriction of the number of calories consumed extends longevity in many organisms. …

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Conditional tradeoffs between aging and organismal performance


By Bill Freeman Alterations that extend the life span of animals and yeast typically involve decreases in metabolic rate, growth, physical activity, and/or early-life fecundity. This negative correlation between life span and the ability to assimilate and process energy, to move, grow, and reproduce, raises questions about the potential utility of life span extension. Alterations …

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Weight During Young Adulthood Has Big Impact Upon Longevity


By Bill Freeman New research suggests that body weight during young adulthood may have a significant impact upon longevity. Drs. Maria M. Corrada, Annlia Paganini-Hill, and Claudia H. Kawas questioned more than 10,000 adults aged 75 and over about their height, weight,  and physical activity levels, and followed them for 20-years. New research suggests that …

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Eating Little Meat Linked to Longevity


By Bill Freeman Eating no or little meat could add years to your life, so a recent report from the Center of Cancer Research in Germany (DKFZ) suggests. The DKFZ studied more than 2,000 vegans, vegetarians, and occasional meat-eaters for 22 years. Compared with the general population, the study revealed a significant increase in life …

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Even Just Trying to Lose Weight Lengthens Life


By Bill Freeman Obese people who try but fail to lose weight live longer than those who don’t try at all, according to researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr Edward W Gregg and colleagues studied more than 6,000 obese and overweight people aged 35 and older for up to nine years. …

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Blood Test May be Able to Predict Longevity


By Bill Freeman Recent work by US scientists suggests that it may soon be possible to predict longevity with a simple blood test. Dr Richard Cawthon and colleagues at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City measured the length of telomeres in blood samples taken from 143 people 20-years ago. Results showed that people …

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By Bill Freeman Purpose:  Exploration of phospholipid balance, genetic expression, impact of toxicity and longevity through examination of fatty acid imbalances revealed through red cell lipid biopsy from Johns Hopkins with definitive medical approaches towards metabolic stability of lipid metabolism and longevity. Purpose:  Exploration of phospholipid balance, genetic expression, impact of toxicity and longevity through …

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Enzyme May Play Key Role in Aging


By Bill Freeman Lower levels of substance result in longer life, study finds Nov. 29 Lower levels of substance result in longer life, study finds Nov. 29 &emdash; Scientists are a step closer to understanding why eating less leads to longer life. In a report in Friday’s edition of the journal Science, researchers said studies …

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Lowly Worm Sheds Light on Human Aging


By Bill Freeman Research suggests there may be simple way to delay age-related muscle loss Oct. 23 Research suggests there may be simple way to delay age-related muscle loss Oct. 23 &emdash; A tiny worm that barely lives more than a week under normal conditions may hold clues that could help keep us stronger and …

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Study: Think Positive, Live Longer


By Bill Freeman Elderly can think themselves into the grave, report finds WASHINGTON, July 28 Elderly can think themselves into the grave, report finds WASHINGTON, July 28 &emdash; Older people can literally think themselves into the grave by feeling bad about getting old, researchers said on Sunday. PEOPLE WHO SAID they had more positive views …

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