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A4M and Regenerative Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Robert Goldman

A4M and Regenerative Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Robert Goldman

Dr. Robert Goldman Co-Founder and Chairman of A4M and (WHN) is this month’s cover story in TOP DOCTOR MAGAZINE. In an interview with Riley George, Dr. Goldman shares part of his inspiring story, achievements, and path to co-founding the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine(A4M).  “We want to continue to educate the physician community as …

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Unlocking Longevity: Fitness for Prolonged Health and Wellbeing

Unlocking Longevity: Fitness for Prolonged Health and Wellbeing

Introduction to Longevity and Fitness Longevity is a fascinating topic. It’s the ultimate dream – a long, fulfilling life. But how do we achieve it? Over time, our understanding of longevity has grown even deeper. Once thought to be a product of pure genetics, we now know that lifestyle factors, including our level of physical …

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Could Having A Sense Of Meaning Affect Longevity?

Healthful Habits That May Prolong Your Life

Not surprisingly, most people want to live a long life, and according to a Stanford Center on Longevity survey 77% of the respondents reported that they would like to become centenarians.  With hopes of becoming longevity warriors, more people are reporting that they are exercising, eating healthy, taking supplements, and watching for breakthroughs in the …

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Healthful Habits That May Prolong Your Life

Healthful Habits That May Prolong Your Life

According to the CDC Americans have a shorter life expectancy compared to almost every other high-income nation, despite the millions that are spent on healthcare. Americans can expect to live on average 76.4 years, putting them behind the OECD average life expectancy of 81 years. “The numbers are shocking,” said Chan School of Public Health—Dean …

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Extending Longevity With Sweat Equity

Kettlebell Workouts

Physical activity can help you to live a longer and healthier life, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests both strength training and cardio are equally important to longevity and that a mix of both aerobic and strength training provides the most benefits to health.  A study recently published in the British Journal of …

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Men Die Earlier Than Women: Life Expectancy Gap Widens

Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

For over a century, we have known that women outlive men, but new research led by the University of California-San Francisco and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published in JAMA Internal Medicine shows that this gap has been widening for over a decade, at least in America. The findings show that this …

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Livers have the potential to function for more than 100 years

One Daily Soda Significantly Increases Risk Of Cancer And Liver Disease In Women

News Release Key takeaways:  Understanding the characteristics of livers that live to 100 could potentially expand the donor pool by using older liver donors more often.  New surgical techniques and advances in immunosuppression lead to better outcomes for patients receiving a liver from an older donor.   Optimizing both donor and recipient factors allow for much …

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Longevity genes: Can golden retrievers live longer?

Petting therapy dogs enhances thinking skills of stressed college students

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. But research shows they have up to a 65% chance of dying from cancer. In a new study, the University of California, Davis, researchers set out to find if certain genetic factors could help their survival rate. But instead of searching for genes associated …

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How Type 2 Diabetes Robs Young People of Years of Life: Prevent and Reverse!

How Type 2 Diabetes Robs Young People of Years of Life: Prevent and Reverse!

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IS A KILLER The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (DM2) …

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Developing T2D At 30 Can Take Up To 14 Years Off Your Life

Developing T2D At 30 Can Take Up To 14 Years Off Your Life

According to recent research published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, those getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D) at the age of 30 could see their life expectancy decrease by as much as 14 years. Even those with a diagnosis at 50 years old could see their life expectancy decrease by 6 years, based …

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