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A.I May One Day Diagnose Disease Without An Office Visit

A.I May One Day Diagnose Disease Without An Office Visit

Rather than trying to look up symptoms online when not feeling well and getting an incorrect diagnosis artificial intelligence may soon be able to provide accurate diagnosis without needing to go into visit a doctor for an appointment. Researchers in the UK are working on this capability with a system called Babylon, the  A.I powered …

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AI May Be Able to Predict Premature Death

AI May Be Able to Predict Premature Death

Researchers have been have discovered an unsettling artificial intelligence ability of being able to predict a person’s early death, as published in PLOS ONE. An AI system was recently trained to evaluate a decade of generational health data submitted by over a half million people in the UK, then the AI system was tasked to …

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Brain Signals Translated Directly Into Speech

Brain Signals Translated Directly Into Speech

A system has been developed which utilizes artificial intelligence to turn brain signals to recognizable speech which may help to restore a voice to those with limited or no ability to speak, as published in Scientific Reports. Columbia neuroengineers have created a system that is capable of translating thought into recognizable speech via monitoring brain …

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The Future is Bright for Bio-Materials:  The Next Big Wave in the Fight for Better Healthcare

The study of drugs derived from natural sources is called pharmacognosy, and it is an important part of pharmaceutical research and development which includes the physicochemical, identification, cultivation, extraction, quality control, preparation, and biological assessment of drugs.   Plant root, leaf, stem, flower, animal, or plant extract may be used to isolate bioactive chemicals. Plant …

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