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DNA Chip Could Helps Docs Pick Best Drug for Patient


By Bill Freeman Doctors will soon be able to discover what drugs will be the most effective for their patients thanks to a DNA chip being developed by pharmaceutical company Roche. The chip is designed to analyse drugs used to treat conditions such as heart disease and psychiatric disorders and identify which will work best …

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US Scientists Develop Light-Sensitive Microchip to Help the Blin


By Bill Freeman US scientists are developing a light-sensitive microchip that will hopefully help blind people to regain at least some of their sight. The chip, which is designed to be positioned on the retina, contains 1,000 minuscule electrodes, which will hopefully stimulate the neural pathways that convey images to the brain. US scientists are …

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New Brain Chips to Speed Drug Development


By Bill Freeman New technology developed by American biotech company Tensor Biosciences could significantly shorten the time it takes to develop new drugs for brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. The so-called “mini-brain” is a glass chip made using brain cells from rats and mice that are suspended in artificial cerebral fluid. New …

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Chips Give Doctors Instant Access to Medical History


By Bill Freeman A US family is hoping to become the first family in the world to be implanted with a type of computer chip called a VeriChip. The chip, which was developed by Florida-based company Applied Digital Solutions, carries information about the patients medical history, thus if something happens to the patient doctors will …

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Jet Engine Technology Used to Develop Blood Pressure Microchip


By Bill Freeman In the not too distant future, keeping an eye on the health of your heart may be as easy as driving through a tollbooth, according to cardiologists. Researchers are currently testing a microchip that can be implanted into the wall of blood vessels were it can determines the blood pressure within the …

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