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Can hydrogels help mend a broken heart?

Can hydrogels help mend a broken heart?

You can mend a broken heart this valentine’s day now that researchers invented a new hydrogel that can be used to heal damaged heart tissue and improve cancer treatments. University of Waterloo chemical engineering researcher Dr. Elisabeth Prince teamed up with researchers from the University of Toronto and Duke University to design the synthetic material …

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Nanotech takes on orthopedics

Nanotech takes on orthopedics

Superior knee and hip replacements are a step closer after Flinders University and Chinese researchers further test and develop a new orthopedic implant coating that has the strong ability to ward off infection — as well as stimulate bone growth. The technology, which has been patented after more promising results just detailed in the lead …

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Liquid safety cushioning technology

Liquid safety cushioning technology

The discovery that football players were unknowingly acquiring permanent brain damage as they racked up head hits throughout their professional careers created a rush to design better head protection. One of these inventions is nanofoam, the material on the inside of football helmets. Thanks to mechanical and aerospace engineering associate professor Baoxing Xu at the …

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The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

Image: A biofilm-powered sensor, on the neck, that measures the mechanical signal of swallowing. Credit: Liu et al., 10.1038/s41467-022-32105-6 Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently announced that they have figured out how to engineer a biofilm that harvests the energy in evaporation and converts it to electricity. This biofilm, which was announced in …

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Nano-Robot Built Entirely From DNA To Explore Cell Processes

Nano-Robot Built Entirely From DNA To Explore Cell Processes

Image: Scientists have designed a “nano-robot” made up of three DNA origami structures.Credit: ©Gaëtan Bellot/Inserm Constructing a tiny robot from DNA and using it to study cell processes invisible to the naked eye… You would be forgiven for thinking it is science fiction, but it is in fact the subject of serious research by scientists …

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Bacteria-Based Biohybrid Microrobots On A Mission To One Day Battle Cancer

Bacteria-Based Biohybrid Microrobots On A Mission To One Day Battle Cancer

Image: Schematic showing bacterial biohybrid microrobots magnetically guided through fibrous environments. Bacterial biohybrids can release their payload upon NIR irradiation. Credit: Akolpoglu et al., Sci. Adv. 8, eabo6163 (2022) A team of scientists in the Physical Intelligence Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have combined robotics with biology by equipping E. coli …

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Electronic skin: Physicist develops multisensory hybrid material

Electronic skin: Physicist develops multisensory hybrid material

Image: Smart skin is a wafer-thin material that reacts simultaneously to force, moisture and temperature with extremely high spatial resolution and emits corresponding electronic signals. Credit: © Lunghammer – TU Graz The “smart skin” developed by Anna Maria Coclite is very similar to human skin. It senses pressure, humidity, and temperature simultaneously and produces electronic …

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Nanotechnology enables visualization of RNA structures at near-atomic resolution

Using CRISPR/Cas9 Systems To Target AIDS Genes

The combination of nucleic acid nanotechnology and cryo-EM gives unprecedented insights into the structures of large and small RNAs, enabling fundamental advances in RNA biology and drug design We live in a world made and run by RNA, the equally important sibling of the genetic molecule DNA. In fact, evolutionary biologists hypothesize that RNA existed …

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Water Processing: Light Helps Degrade Hormones

Water Processing: Light Helps Degrade Hormones

Image: Photocatalytic membrane filtration system with a sun simulator. The membranes are coated with titanium dioxide. Photo Credit: Markus Breig, KIT Micropollutants in water often are hormones that accumulate in the environment and may have negative impacts on humans and animals. Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM) …

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An Insulin Patch That Sticks Inside A Person’s Cheek

An Insulin Patch That Sticks Inside A Person’s Cheek

Image: A prototype patch comfortably sticks inside the cheek to deliver insulin. Image Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Bio Materials 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.1c01161 Managing blood sugar levels requires round-the-clock attention for people diagnosed with diabetes. A more healthful diet and increased physical activity can help, but many with the condition also need to take regular …

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