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Scientists Make Artificial Cell Membranes on Silicon Chips


By Bill Freeman Researchers at New York’s Cornell University are currently busy making minute artificial cell membranes – one thousandth of a millimetre wide – on silicon chips. The artificial membranes have been created in an attempt to help the scientists work out exactly what triggers immune system cells into action. Researchers at New York’s …

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Scientists Build Nanocomputer


By Bill Freeman A group of scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have used biological molecules to build a “nanocomputer” in a test tube. The computer is so small that as many as one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) of the machines could fit into a drop of water. Together, the computers can perform a …

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New Laser Brings Hope of Medical Micromachines


By Bill Freeman Scientists have used the latest laser technology to create the world’s smallest sculpture by etching a 3-D image of a bull onto a red blood cell. The Japanese scientists used two lasers linked to a computer programme to create the sculpture, which measures just 10 by 7 micrometers across. Professor Satoshi Kawata, …

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Nanotechnology Could Bring DNA Testing to Every Doctor


By Bill Freeman A new device could bring hand-held DNA technology to every doctor’s office, according to researchers from Northwestern University. Dr Chad A Mirkin and his colleagues have developed a new method of screening DNA using an electric current, nanoparticles, and strands of synthesized DNA, which they say could pave the way for bringing …

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Nanoparticles Used to Beat Brain Cancer


By Bill Freeman Two teams of National Cancer Institute funded researchers are currently developing tiny particles called nanoparticles that hunt down and destroy cancer cells that are too small to locate and remove surgically. Nanoparticles developed by researchers from the University of Michigan have cancer antibodies attached to them that can detect and latch onto …

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Nanogenerator Destroys Tumor Cells


By Bill Freeman An “atomic nanogenerator” made from monoclonal antibodies and the radioactive substance actinium-255 (Ac-255) has been shown to prolong the survival of mouse models of prostate cancer and a type of human lymphoma by tracking down and destroying cancer cells. As well as nearly quadrupling the survival of mice, 40% of those given …

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Nano-Bots to Deliver Drugs


By Bill Freeman Nano-bots are models of microscopic submarines which can travel through the bloodstream fighting disease and infection. Some researchers believe prototypes could be developed by the end of next year. A team from the Utah State University has been investigating the possibility of using bacteria as a biomotor to propel discs containing drugs …

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Designer Molecules Speed Bone Repair


By Bill Freeman Researchers at Northwestern University have managed to recreate the microscopic structure of bone by using “designer” molecules that can be encouraged to assemble themselves into so-called “nanostructures” that mimic the appearance of collagen fibers. If the nanostructures can be incorporated into a gel, it is possible that they could be placed into …

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Researchers Develop Lab-On-A-Chip that Detects Cancer Cells


By Bill Freeman Researchers have developed a so-called lab-on-a-chip (LOC) that is able to instantly detect cancer cells. Using the latest advances in nanotechnology, the device, which is smaller than a matchbox, works by exposing cells to a dye that adheres to cancer cells. The same technique is already in use in hospitals throughout the …

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The 21st Century Doctor – A Biosensor that Detects Illness


By Bill Freeman Researchers at the University of Michigan are using state of the art nanotechnology to help them in their quest to develop a biosensor that can detect illness. The team are using minute spheres of synthetic polymers to create nanosensors that are just five billionths of a meter in diameter. The plan is …

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