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Semaglutide medication may benefit 93 million U.S. adults

How Does the Testosterone Hormone Burn the Visceral Adipose Fat?

A projected 93 million U.S. adults who are overweight and obese may be suitable for the 2.4 mg dosage of semaglutide, a weight loss medication known under the brand name Wegovy, a University of California, Irvine study has found. The researchers projected this based on the known weight loss effects (15% average weight loss) of …

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Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Show Promising Target For Alzheimer’s Disease

Discovery Of Possible Anti-Aging Cocktail Comes With Warnings

Researchers and scientists at the University of Kentucky’s Sander-Brown Center on Aging have been investigating the idea that various anti-inflammatory drugs might be effective treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), this work has been focused on protein p38 as a potential target drug to treat AD and other conditions with neuroinflammatory dysfunction. Findings from their recent …

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Can Statin Medication Lower The Risk Of Dementia? It May Be So In Those With AFIB

Can Statin Medication Lower The Risk Of Dementia? It May Be So In Those With AFIB

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a heart rhythm disorder that is linked to an increased …

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Benzos Linked To Brain Injury, Job Loss, And Suicide

Lithium Exposure Causes Birth Defects

According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus published in the journal PLOS One, the use and discontinuation of benzodiazepines are associated with nervous system injury and negative life effects that persist even after discontinued use.  Millions of people have been taking benzos like Valium, Xanax, and Klonopin …

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Medication Use in Seniors: Primary Care's Focus on Safe and Effective Treatment

Medication Use in Seniors: Primary Care's Focus on Safe and Effective Treatment

As people age, the need for medications to treat various health issues increases significantly. However, medication safety and effectiveness are of utmost importance for seniors in particular. The role of primary care physicians is crucial in ensuring that older individuals receive safe and effective treatment. This article explores the importance of medication use in seniors …

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Artificial pancreas reduces disease management burden for people with diabetes

Artificial pancreas reduces disease management burden for people with diabetes

Type 1 diabetes affects 46.3 million people worldwide, and the number of people affected increases by about 3% each year. It requires careful calculations of insulin needs and bothersome daily injections to avoid peripheral diseases caused by extremes of high or low blood sugar. Automated insulin delivery systems, also called artificial pancreases, make diabetes management …

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FDA-approved Alzheimer's drug lecanemab could prevent free-floating amyloid beta fibrils from damaging the brain

A new approach to clearing toxic waste from the brain

Research Highlights: Aβ in aqueous brain extracts (oligomers, protofibrils) are insoluble, and fibrillar The diffusible Aβ fibrils have the same atomic structure as amyloid plaque fibrils Lecanemab binds to and protects against the synaptotoxicity of diffusible fibrils For the first time, researchers described the structure of a special type of amyloid beta plaque protein associated …

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T cells can activate themselves to fight tumors

T cells can activate themselves to fight tumors

Image Caption: T cells are a type of white blood cell that play a central role in the immune response. Photo credit: NIAID. When you need a bit of motivation, it often has to come from within. New research suggests cancer-fighting immune cells have found a way to do just that. Scientists at the University …

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Treating Glioblastoma Using Novel Ultrasound Technology

Treating Glioblastoma Using Novel Ultrasound Technology

Image Caption: Northwestern Medicine scientists led by Adam Sonabend report results of the first-in-human clinical trial using a skull-implantable ultrasound device to open the blood-brain barrier and repeatedly permeate large, critical regions of the human brain to deliver chemotherapy. Image Credit: Northwestern University News Release Highlights: The first-in-human trial used a novel ultrasound device to …

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FDA Continues to Approve Weight Loss Medication Amid Obesity Epidemic

Blood Test For Heart Attacks Cleared By FDA

The drug, called Mounjaro, was approved for type-2 diabetes earlier last year and is currently under review for use in the treatment of obesity and being overweight. Experts are anticipating approval from the agency by 2024. Once approved, Mounjaro becomes the latest in a slew of newly FDA-greenlit weight loss medications that aim to address …

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