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Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Incorporating yoga into your daily schedule is a great way to begin your fitness journey. You only need a yoga mat and a suitable place to do the yoga asanas, and you are good to go. Unlike the gym, you don’t need any equipment to do any postures. This hassle-free approach to yoga has made …

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The Power of Mindfulness and Physical Activity for Life's Toughest Moments

6 Poses and Benefits of Yoga for Young Children

Most of us would describe our daily routine as a whirlwind; it’s no secret that keeping up with the daily grind – be it crushing deadlines, caring for loved ones, or dealing with the often overwhelming process of relocation (which is becoming more and more common these days) – can really take a toll on …

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Qigong: A Gentle Form Of Exercise

Qigong: A Gentle Form Of Exercise

Qigong is a physical activity that aims to optimize energy within the body, mind and spirit with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.  Qigong is a system of coordinated mind-body exercise forms that uses posture, meditation, breathing, and movement to increase energy and enables the body to heal itself to promote overall …

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Unlock Total Wellness With These Self-Improvement Tips

Elevating Your Health: A Holistic Approach to Self-Improvement

In the pursuit of wellness, self-improvement stands as a cornerstone. It’s a journey of growth and development that encompasses various aspects of our lives, from emotional intelligence to effective communication. In this article, we delve into key strategies for achieving wellness through self-improvement, offering insights and guidance for a fulfilling journey toward personal growth. Cultivating …

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Staying Hydrated Is Important To Your Body And Mind

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water to Start Your Day

Have you ever been tired or stressed out from a long day that you’re dragging your feet around, but then you take a big sip of cold refreshing water and find yourself immediately starting to feel better? Would you be surprised to find out that this is pretty common? According to a random double opt-in …

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Massage and Relaxation: Your Holistic Prescription for Better Health

Why You Should Consider A CBD Oil Massage

Do you know what always seems to help when you’re feeling stressed or just need to unwind? A nice, relaxing massage. There’s just something about those soothing hands working out all those knots in your shoulders that can melt your troubles away, at least for a little while. But did you know massage can be …

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Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors in Your New Home

Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors in Your New Home

Welcome to the transformative world of biophilic design, a unique approach that links the beauty of nature to our living spaces. This design philosophy transcends mere aesthetics and is crucial in enhancing our well-being through nature and connecting us more deeply with the environment. Biophilic design is not just about adding plants; it’s about creating …

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Power of Positivity: How to Focus on the Good in Your Life

Having Positive Thoughts On Exercise May Curb Aging Anxiety

According to Hopkins Medicine, people who have a family history of heart disease but who also have a positive outlook on life are as much as one-third less likely to suffer a cardiovascular event when compared to those who are more negative. While the science behind this isn’t clear, what is clear is that optimism …

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The 31st A4M World Congress on Aging welcomed meditation Master Acharavadee Wongsakon, from Thailand to the main stage to reveal profound Wisdom not heard before. Master Wongsakon having practiced advanced meditation for more than 30,000 hours shared her “insight wisdom on Healing to the Core.” The Master’s speech resonated with a packed room where Eastern …

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Meditation Training May Support Well-Being

Meditation Training May Support Well-Being

A randomized, controlled trial published in PLOS ONE by an international team of researchers that was co-led by UCL (London’s Global University), following a meditation program can improve people’s awareness, connections to others, insight, and well-being. While the training did not confer significant benefits on two commonly used measures of psychological well-being and quality of …

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