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Making Reading & Close Up Work Less Stressful On The Eyes

Making Reading & Close Up Work Less Stressful On The Eyes

At some point in our lives almost everyone will need a little help from a pair of reading glasses, due to the eyes naturally losing the ability to focus up close with age. The condition is called presbyopia, and it occurs when the lenses inside the eyes become less flexible.  “Presbyopia can’t be prevented or …

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Vital Vision Vitamins

Vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) may protect against cataract occurrence and development. B vitamins serve many purposes throughout the body, including functioning as cofactors in the enzymatic activation of antioxidants.   Tanya Glaser, from the US National Eye Institute (Maryland, USA), and colleagues analyzed data collected on 3000 150 men and …

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Aging Eyes Need Antioxidants


Lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce cataract risk. In that oxidative stress is thought to factor in to the development of cataracts, some previous studies have suggested that the antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, may exert an interventive role in reducing cataract risk. Jouni Karppi, from the University of Eastern Finland (Finland), analyzed data collected on 1,689 …

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Regular Exercise Reduces Risks of Wide Range of Diseases

Regular Exercise Reduces Risks of Wide Range of Diseases

People who engage in regular exercise may reduce their risk of developing around two dozen physical and mental health conditions, and slow down age-related deterioration. Previous studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risks of chronic diseases and premature death.  Leslie Alford from the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom) reviewed 40 scientific …

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Healthy Diet Combats Cataract Formation

Healthy Diet Combats Cataract Formation

In women, a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals slashes the risks of developing cataracts by up to 37%. Cataracts, the most common type of opacity affecting the lens of the eye, tend to occur in a higher prevalence in women who have myopia, hypertension, smoke, and/or are overweight/obese. Julie A. Mares, from the …

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UV causes long-term eye damage


By Jeanelle Topping Cumulative exposure to the sun’s UV rays can lead to permanent loss of vision, experts warn. Cumulative exposure to the sun’s UV rays can lead to permanent loss of vision, experts warn. Studies have shown that UV exposure is one of the main risk factors of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and clouding …

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Regular eye tests 'could prevent blindness in older patients'


By Jeanelle Topping Older patients could be risking blindness by neglecting to have regular eye checks, the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has said. Older patients could be risking blindness by neglecting to have regular eye checks, the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has said. Eye tests can detect problems early …

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Senile Cataract & N-acetylcarnosine Eye-Drops


By Bill Freeman Senile Cataract & N-acetylcarnosine Eye-DropsBy Robert Mason PhD Visit this articles Sponsor Cataract is the leading cause of blindness and accounts for about 42% of all such cases worldwide, and this is in-spite of the availability of effective surgical treatment. Today we have the appalling situation where more than 17 million people …

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