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Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

As a student competing in track and field at his Parlier high school, Robert Leija was obsessed with how to improve his performance and, in particular, prevent the buildup of lactic acid in his muscles during training. Like many athletes, he blamed it for the performance fatigue and muscle soreness he experienced after intense workouts. …

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Longer Sprint Intervals May Improve Muscle Oxygen Utilization

Longer Sprint Intervals May Improve Muscle Oxygen Utilization

Sprint interval training (SIT) is a form of exercise that is characterized by performing cycles of intense exercises that are interspersed by brief periods of rest.  A study recently published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise investigated the intricate connections among the various parameters of SIT, and the findings may assist …

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Extreme sports: How body and mind interact

Extreme sports: How body and mind interact

Ciara Burns spent 42 days rowing across the Atlantic in 2021 as part of a team of twelve. Clearly, whoever ventures on such an adventure has to go to the extreme limits both physically and mentally. Therefore, a situation like this is very interesting not only from a sporting point of view, but also for …

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Liquid safety cushioning technology

Liquid safety cushioning technology

The discovery that football players were unknowingly acquiring permanent brain damage as they racked up head hits throughout their professional careers created a rush to design better head protection. One of these inventions is nanofoam, the material on the inside of football helmets. Thanks to mechanical and aerospace engineering associate professor Baoxing Xu at the …

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Strength And Muscles: The Great Weight Debate

Strength And Muscles: The Great Weight Debate

Image Caption: Kinesiologists at McMaster University found that all forms of resistance training programs are beneficial – regardless of how much you lift, how often, and how many times. Image Credit: Matt Clarke/McMaster University When it comes to working out, building strength, and growing muscles there seems to be an endless supply of routines and …

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Inadequate energy intake affects female athletes

A Few Moments Of Exercise Throughout The Day Can Prevent Damage From Extended Sitting

A new randomized controlled study from Aarhus University shows that when female athletes lower their energy intake and increase their training, their health and the ability of their muscles to respond to training are negatively impacted. Diet and training go hand in hand if you want to achieve the best results. Most athletes know this, …

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Colorful fresh foods improve athletes' vision

Age Fighting Foods

Nutrition is an important part of any top athlete’s training program. And now, a new study by researchers from the University of Georgia proposes that supplementing the diet of athletes with colorful fruits and vegetables could improve their visual range. The paper, which was published in Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, examines how a group …

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Social Interaction And Friendly Competition May Positively Affect Mental Health

Some Experts Consider This To Be One Of The Most Perfect Workouts

Dr. Zoe Williams is a television presenter and medical expert with an exciting strategy for improving mental health which is playing ping pong. Dr. Williams is working to highlight the benefits that activities such as dart, ping pong, shuffleboard, and axe throwing can have on boosting the well-being of the players, emphasizing the value of …

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Study: Attending Live Sport Improves Well-Being

Scientists Spot Marker for CTE in Living Football Players

New scientific research has found that attending live sporting events improves levels of well-being and reduces feelings of loneliness. Published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, the research is the first large-scale study to examine the benefits of attending any type of live sporting event. The study, carried out by academics from Anglia Ruskin …

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Psychological Stress Impedes Performance, Even For Olympic Athletes

Psychological Stress Impedes Performance, Even For Olympic Athletes

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics were unique not just for taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic but for being the first athletic event to measure and broadcast competitors’ heart rates as world-class archers took a shot at Olympic gold. Analysis of these biometric data by Yunfeng Lu (Nanjing University) and Songfa Zhong (National University of Singapore, …

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