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Lead lurking in your soil? New Chicago project maps distribution

Exposure To Lead Is Still Killing Americans

Lead exposure in early childhood can have lifelong consequences, including brain damage, developmental delays, and learning and behavioral disorders. Preventing these devastating outcomes means avoiding lead, but that’s only possible if you know where to find it. Lead haunts old homes in chipping paint and pipes, but it also lurks outside, in soil. It’s the …

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Safe drinking water remains out of reach for many Californians

Toxic Contaminants Found In California’s Tap Water

The first comprehensive analysis of drinking water quality in California finds that 370,000 or more rely on drinking water that may contain unsafe chemical contaminants and that communities of color are more likely to be impacted. An estimated 370,000 Californians rely on drinking water that may contain high levels of arsenic, nitrate or hexavalent chromium, …

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Identifying Schools With High Lead Levels In Drinking Water

Flint Residents Given The Green Light To Sue EPA

Consuming lead can cause health problems for anyone, but children are particularly vulnerable because the element can interfere with their growth and development. While water systems will soon be required to measure lead levels in school tap water, it’s not clear how these measurements should be interpreted. In a new study in ACS’ Environmental Science …

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Will It Be Safe For Humans To Fly To Mars?

Astronauts surrounded by too few species of microbes could face health risks, study suggests

Sending human travelers to Mars would require scientists and engineers to overcome a range of technological and safety obstacles. One of them is the grave risk posed by particle radiation from the sun, distant stars and galaxies. Answering two key questions would go a long way toward overcoming that hurdle: Would particle radiation pose too …

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Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium: "Heavy Metals" to Know

The Immune System Is Impaired By Environmental Toxins Over Generations

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. In the industrial world in which we live, we can run but we cannot hide …

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Is global plastic pollution nearing an irreversible tipping point?

Epigenetic mechanism can explain how chemicals in plastic may cause lower IQ levels

Current rates of plastic emissions globally may trigger effects that we will not be able to reverse, argues a new study by researchers from Sweden, Norway and Germany published on July 2nd in Science. According to the authors, plastic pollution is a global threat, and actions to drastically reduce emissions of plastic to the environment …

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Worrying Insights Into The Chemicals In Plastics

Worrying Insights Into The Chemicals In Plastics

More potentially hazardous chemicals are lurking in plastics than has been assumed. This also affects recycling processes and materials. A team of researchers led by Stefanie Hellweg, ETH Professor of Ecological Systems Design, has for a first time compiled a comprehensive database of plastic monomers, additives and processing aids for use in the production and …

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Occupational Lung Disease: What Is Not Visible to the Naked Eye

Occupational Lung Disease: What Is Not Visible to the Naked Eye

Today, we have gotten better at protecting workers’ health, primarily through strict safety protocols and better PPE. But workers still suffer the cumulative effects of decades of exposure to toxins like asbestos, benzene, bleach, butadiene, chloroform, dioxin, and mercury. Take, for example, asbestos; while it may not be widely used in products manufactured or built …

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Poorer communities hardest hit by toxic pollution incidents

Poorer communities hardest hit by toxic pollution incidents

Toxic pollution hits poorer populations hardest as firms experience more pollutant releases and spend less money on waste management in areas with lower average incomes. Research from Lancaster University Management School and Texas Tech University, published in European Economic Review looked into the relationship between the location choices of potentially polluting firms and levels of …

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International research teams explore genetic effects of Chernobyl radiation

Fukushima & Chernobyl: Inherent Risks Of Using Nuclear Energy

In two landmark studies, researchers have used cutting-edge genomic tools to investigate the potential health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation, a known carcinogen, from the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. One study found no evidence that radiation exposure to parents resulted in new genetic changes being passed from …

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