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Microplastic And Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria: The Double Threat

UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue

Microplastic pollution has been brought under the spotlight in recent years as the drastic effects on the environment are becoming increasingly clear. Wastewater treatment plants are a large source of microplastics entering the environment, with an average-sized wastewater treatment plant that serves around 400,000 people churning out 2 million microplastic particles into the circulating environment …

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Lead Toxicity and Disease

Lead Exposure

As soon as Dr. Joseph Hickey of Hilton Head, South Carolina begins to speak, you feel fortunate, because you are hearing from the kind of physician who has become a rarity. He is a “people person,” tender and compassionate, as well as a scientist and scholar. Hickey is a keen observer of life who uses …

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We are beset by issues concerning hormone balance. We already understand many of the issues that arise when hormones simply decline with aging. We know that plants have hormone-like activity. For instance, there are the estrogen qualities in soy or adrenal adaptogens such as ginseng. We can harness these plant effects to help us. We …

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Researchers Find Connection Between Household Chemicals And Gut Microbiome

Procedure May One Day Turn Back The Clock On Brain Aging

A team of researchers for the first time has found a correlation between the levels of bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal tract of children and the amount of common chemicals found in their home environment. The work, published this month in Environmental Science and Technology Letters, could lead to better understanding of how these …

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Toxic Byproducts Found In Chlorinated Water

Toxic Byproducts Found In Chlorinated Water

One of the most common methods of disinfecting drinking water is to add chlorine to it. New evidence published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology has been found by Johns Hopkins researchers that this practice is not as safe as was once thought because the reactions between chlorine and natural compounds in water may …

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Dangerous Levels Of Toxic Elements Found in Alcohol Bottles

Dangerous Levels Of Toxic Elements Found in Alcohol Bottles

Typically when the dangers of alcohol are reported it is about the alcohol itself, however new research from the University of Plymouth has found that even the bottles the fluid comes in may be detrimental to health.  Analysis of glass and enamel decorations of a number of clear and coloured beer, wine, and liquor bottle …

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