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Cosmic Radiation Not a Major Health Issue


By Bill Freeman US experts have reassured airline travellers that they should not worry about high-altitude exposure to cosmic radiation. Wallace Freiburg, head of radiobiology research at the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Civil Aeromedical Institute, said, “I don’t think it [cosmic radiation] poses such a risk that people should be concerned about flying. US experts …

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Frequent Flyers at Risk from Cosmic Radiation


By Bill Freeman As air traffic increases aeroplanes are flying higher, simultaneously increases in global business and leisure travel mean that passengers are flying more frequently. As global dependence on air travel rises, scientists are becoming increasingly worried about the exposure of regular flyers to cosmic radiation. As air traffic increases aeroplanes are flying higher, …

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Holidays More Tiring than Work?


By Bill Freeman Going on vacation is supposed to be a time to relax and get some much needed rest, however results of a recent survey suggest that many Americans return from vacation wearier than they were before they left. The Gallup poll of 1,000 adults revealed that 54% of holidaymakers had returned from a …

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