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Citrus Compounds May Reduce Diabetes Risk

Flavanoids and limonoids derived from citrus help to improve glucose tolerance and modulate cholesterol levels.

Type-2 diabetes is among a number of chronic diseases for which the incidence of onset is modifiable, with poor dietary factors contributing to increased risk.  A Canadian research team has found that daily supplementation of citrus-derived flavanoids and limonoids may reduce risk factors for diabetes.  In a pilot study with human subjects, these citrus compounds were shown to reduce glucose intolerance, cut total cholesterol by 13%, and slash LDL cholesterol by 23%. The researchers observe that:  “This study demonstrated an important future role for [citrus-derived flavanoids and limonoids]  in glycemic control and management of risk factors in subjects with [impaired fasting glucose].”

William Judy, Willis Stogsdill, Daniel Judy, Janet Judy, Prachi Sharma, Malkanthi Evans, Najla Guthrie.  “Efficacy of Diabetinol™ on glycemic control in insulin resistant hamsters and subjects with impaired fasting glucose – a pilot study.”  Journal of Functional Foods, 26 May 2010.